Past projects 3
Technology Needed!
Funded Nov 23, 2021I would like to express my sincere appreciation once again for helping me obtain the printer and laptop. The printer has been an extremely valuable resource preparing my students for the state exams. It was so easy to print practice passages and questions at a moments notice. The laptop has been so fun for them as they now have the opportunity to play educational math games together! We attach it to the Promethean or use it in small groups and my students love it! Every dollar donated contributed to this great cause, and we all thank you so much!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Foglia
Beautiful Little Butterflies
Funded Apr 17, 2019Thank you so very much for donating the butterfly kit for our students. The transformation process was life changing for these kids and something they've never experienced before. It was a project watching something come to life in a new form and I promise they'll Never forget it!! When the butterflies were ready to be released, the students were so excited and sad at the same time. They wanted to keep them as class pets and in a way so did I. Watching them soar to new heights once released was beautiful and I'm so happy we were able to do it. This experience will last forever, and it was so much fun! Thank you again!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Foglia
Our Needy Library
Funded Jan 13, 2019Words cannot express how grateful my class is for all the wonderful books we now have. As part of their reading program, they read independently and with partners daily and now with the huge selection we have, they are more excited to engage in these activities. Our class once had empty bins and now they are overflowing. Our students exchange books weekly and still haven't ran out of options. They come to school every day and look forward to reading and exploring. Our selection of nonfiction books have sparked an interest in subjects they've never seen, and have cultivated their knowledge and understanding in ways they never imagined. Our library is now equipped to target all of the vast reading levels we have in our class and we couldn't be happier. Thank you again so much for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Foglia