Funded Apr 21, 2023I just want to say a big Thank you for picking me and my class! The supplies were amazing and so fun to work with. We were all so excited.
The underwater ocean immersion turned out so good!! I took black paper and hung it all around to black out the room. We decorated each panel with their neon ocean art. Some classes had artwork hanging from the ceiling. Because each student did a couple pieces of art and some did extra, we had so much art to enjoy!!
I had the classes come in and I would have the lights on. When we had gone over the expectations, I would have someone turn out the lights. That was absolutely the VERY BEST thing!! All the kids were just in awe. You could hear the ooo's and ah's. Kids were talking about other people's art and trying to find theirs. The different black lights gave an illusion that we were under moving water. Students that were sitting calmly got to get neon face painting, so they glowed! They continued talking about the room in other classes also.
My kids absolutely LOVED this art project! We all worked really hard. I do have to say it would not have been NEAR as incredible without your contributions. We are truly thankful and we will continue to use the supplies until we can't anymore. Bless you and thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Featherston