Current requests
Sweet and Smart Valentines Day: Lollipops and Pencils
- 2 donors so far
- $211 still needed
- 4 days left!
- $141 for now
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My students are the greatest. Despite their challenges they face at home, they come in yearning for knowledge. Many of them have difficulty learning by reading. For them, in order to succeed, they need to learn by watching. These videos will provide the necessary instruction needed for them to succeed. My school is a high needs high poverty area school. For many of my students, they will be the first ones graduating eighth grade. For others, they will be the first to go to high school. Many are surrounded by negative energy and obstacles. By donating to my project, you are showing my students that the public is interested and share a genuine concern for them. You are saying that they are important in society and that they have every right to learn despite challenges they may face. You are giving them an opportunity for a very important freedom....knowledge.