Past projects 3
Show It! Speak It! Share It!
Funded Aug 19, 2022Thank you for giving towards the purchase of our headsets with mics. Know that you have helped a future leader gain confidence in speaking and growth in listening comprehension. Oakwood Terrace Elementary 6th grade teachers and students are most grateful that you have joined us this school year in reaching our goals.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rainey
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 12 other donors.Learning: Here, There and Everywhere
Funded Aug 9, 2020Thanks to your donation of laptop backpacks and earbuds our 5th-grade students are proud to bring their Chromebooks to school every day. This year every student was given a Chromebook whether they are a face to face student or online. The uncertainty surrounding the pandemic leaves us in a precarious situation, however, because of your thoughtful donation our students are prepared to learn wherever they are synchronous or asynchronous. Our face to face students have a safe way to carry their devices and the earbuds are compact enough to be carried in the backpack pockets for their use as needed.
The most exciting part about the backpacks is their ability to house a battery pack that will keep their device charged and ready for learning. This has helped to change their mindsets about their work at home and at school. They realize that their work is important and so are they. This is their occupation in life right now, learning and growing.
Students have stated when they get home the backpack and Chromebook are off-limits to siblings and stored safely. They also are ecstatic about putting in their earbuds and shutting out all the distractions so they may focus on their homework for the evening. Your thoughtfulness in funding these two items has met an essential need for our at-home learners.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rainey
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and 2 other donors.The Tongue Can Paint What The Eyes Can't See
Funded Aug 3, 2020What an engaging atmosphere your donation has created in our classroom. In previous years we have had Chromebooks used in our classroom but our recordings and what students had to say were always subdued by the regular noises that come from an active classroom. These noise-canceling headsets with microphones have enhanced every single syllable, word, and the phrase the students are saying to explain the concept of a comparing decimal and to show what they know about the physical properties of matter. Students can play their recordings and hear themselves speak. The headphones now allow them to hear their pronunciations of their English which they are working hard to improve. Often now, they re-record to and practice word enunciation. Thank you! That was an unexpected affordance.
Students are excited every day to take their headphones with microphones out and complete their online assignments. They like that it keeps them focused. Plus, having their own Chromebook along with the accompanying headphones gives them a sense of importance in their schoolwork.
Last year prior to having the headphones there was a lot of shyness in some students to record what they knew. They have several reasons included being camera shy and they did not want to hear their voices. Well, this year that is all different. This headphone product is of high quality and has transformed their voices to professional speakers. Or at least, that is what one student said.
Thank you all, for contributing to these students' confidence and allowing them to express their voices loud and clear. Now they truly realize that what they have to say is truly important and they must be heard.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rainey
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and 9 other donors.