Funded Aug 14, 2024Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness as we rebuilt our classroom from scratch. My students arrived on the first day completely in shock at what their classroom looked like and how organized it was. They appreciated how much thought went into the space and considered their needs. They were so grateful.
Our Innovative Skills students now have access to a serene and peaceful place to land during their day, equipped with regulation tools and peaceful areas to relax.
My students regularly utilize the tools purchased for the regulation cabinet, and are able to quickly assess what they need in the organizational bins that are neatly labeled and filled. Their fountain and windchime provide serene sounds that help them to destress and relax in class. The air filter - especially at this time of the year - is essential to keeping our space clear and free of potential harmful airborne illnesses and I'm grateful to have it in this space.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Torres