Past projects 13
The Right Angle!
Funded May 4, 2021Thank you so much for the document camera and protractors. It has finally allowed me to show my students how to measure angles while remotely learning from home. They are able to use the protractors and measure the angles themselves. This has made all the difference in the world.
Now, my students are able to explore the world of math with the hands on tools needed to accomplish their learning goals. I am able to show them how to complete the skills necessary to measure angles in geometry.
We will now be able to continue growing as mathematicians for years to come. Your kind donation will reach hundreds of students now and in the future.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 3 other donors.The Joy of Books!
Funded Mar 16, 2021My students were thrilled beyond words when the huge box of books arrived in our classroom. This collection of books is filled with lots of information on topics related to science and nature. My students are enjoying learning about the world around them from these wonderful books.
The books are located around the room in various baskets for the students to choose on their own. Many students have enjoyed reading a certain book so much that they are asking to take them home and read them to their families. It warms my heart to see them so excited about reading.
The books include various reading levels to accommodate the different reading levels of my students. Every student in my classroom can now enjoy reading a book on their level. Thank you for making all of this possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 5 other donors.Games for Remote Learning!
Funded Feb 11, 2021Mere words cannot describe the joy and excitement my students feel when using the materials you purchased for them. They are getting to enjoy practicing their reading and math skills while at home. These games go home with them and they have family fun time while practicing skills learned in class.
You should have seen the way they jumped out of their seats when the games were delivered to our classroom. They shouted, "Can we play now?" It is so comforting for me as a teacher to hear my students excited about learning. It is a wonderful thing that you have done.
Moving forward, my students now and for years to come will be able to enjoy practicing skills in reading and math because of the materials you have generously donated. We are forever grateful to you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
This classroom project was brought to life by Walton Family Foundation and one other donor.Fish in a Tree
Funded Jan 1, 2020Thank you so much for putting actual books straight into the hands of my students. These books will be used to teach so many things.
Students love to listen when I read a story. Now, they will get to follow along as well as read on their own this inspiring story. Not only will I be able to teach literacy skills as we read, but also life lessons. This novel is an inspirational story about a girl with a learning disability. Many students have learning difficulties or work with others that do. This novel helps students learn tolerance and empathy through rich literature discussions.
Thank you so much for your generous donation. When the box of books arrived, my students were jumping up and down screaming. We are all very grateful to you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
Storage Problem Solved
Funded Apr 22, 2019My students are using this storage unit as a flexible seating option. It came with a soft cushion that allows students to be supported comfortably while working. It is also being used to store valuable math games and manipulative's. Today we were studying for a math test and the students were able to enjoy working together on the bench. When finished, they stored their materials inside.
My students were so excited when the storage shelf arrived. They immediately began creating a sign-up sheet to take turns and use it. Many students can use it at one time, and 52 students will have access to it. They are very happy.
Our next step it to decide how to use the storage unit for each class. Now they all have a place to keep their materials.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 3 other donors.Flexible Seating
Funded Apr 22, 2019My students and I are using the chairs for flexible seating options. This means that my students can now sit comfortably around the room where ever they want. The chairs are light weight and movable, so the students can choose the location in the room that works best for them. This worked so well for a science research project on the rock cycle we have been working on. The students were able to form "Think Tank" groups and choose a location that worked for them. They were able to position the chairs so they could communicate effectively.
I wish you could have seen their faces when they walked into the room the day the chairs arrived. They had open mouths like fish at first. Then the screaming and jumping up and down started. That is the most excited I have ever seen them.
Moving forward, our next steps will be to form these think tank groups in math class. The students will be able to access the same flexible seating options. This will work well for research projects, studying for tests, and more. The chairs will impact a total of 52 students this year alone. Thank you so very much!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
Read to Succeed!
Funded Dec 3, 2015Words can not express the joy and excitement on my students faces when the books were delivered to our classroom. Since receiving the books my students have had endless hours of reading fun. They are discussing what they are reading with each other and showing growth in reading progress. I never have to tell a student to get a book and read. They are asking me at all times during the day if they can choose a new book to read. One student wanted to read during math class.
None of this would have been possible without your kind and generous donation. My students and I want to thank you very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
Making History Happen
Funded Dec 11, 2014Thank you so much for your kind donations. The students love the books and couldn't wait to get their hands on them. They enjoyed the colorful photos and interesting facts about the dust bowl and the Great Depression. It inspired many of my students to do additional research on their own.
We are using the materials as research tools to create a vivid picture of the accounts in history related to the Great Depression. It has helped form collaborative groups to discuss this important topic. Many students created a timeline of the events using the materials to keep things organized in their minds.
These materials have boosted my teaching because I am able to put vivid photos and great pieces of literature in their hands. The student's learning has been impacted by causing them to inquire more about other aspects of American history. This would not have been possible with out your generous donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
Math For Life!
Funded Aug 24, 2014My students were overjoyed when the math materials were delivered to our classroom. They could hardly wait for me to open the boxes. Students were cheering and begging to be the first ones to experience the joy of learning with the new math manipulatives. I had a hard time getting them to stop working so we could go to lunch.
My students and I have organized math work stations so that everyone gets an equal share in using the new math materials. They are eager to move through the stations to see what fun they can have next.
It is difficult to express in words the enthusiasm and buzz for learning these materials have had on my students and the classroom environment. It has become a classroom where students are proud to work in and motivated to learn.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen
This classroom project was brought to life by Gates Foundation Back To School and 5 other donors.Essential Writing Skills
Funded Feb 8, 2010Thank you so much for your generous donation. My students were so eager to get started learning with their new materials. They worked together in pairs with the social studies center and learned all about the presidents of the United States. They used the writing center materials to organize the new information learned. Then they each wrote a research paper using these same materials.
Our school system is currently facing a budget shortage, so without your help my students would never have had these vital resources. For all elementary students, writing across the subject areas is of the highest priority.
Without donors like you, thousands of classrooms in the United States would go without. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Queen