It's Your Choice: Empowering Students Through Flexible Seating.

Funded Mar 17, 2017

Thank you so much for funding my project! With the money raised, I was able to fully incorporate flexible seating into my classroom, empowering my students with the choice of where to sit and how to learn. Flexible seating has been life-changing for myself, as well as my students, and I will NEVER go back to traditional seating!

With the resources I purchased through this project, I was able to incorporate 4 new seating options for students to choose to use, in addition to traditional desks. Students had a table where there were stability balls and wobble stools, high desks with bar stools, floor seats with pillows, and lap desks so that they may sit anywhere around the room. Students returned from spring break and entered into a classroom where they were not burdened to one desk, but had the freedom to sit wherever they chose and could move freely throughout the day. This freedom made it easier for students to collaborate with each other, allowed them to sit next to students who kept them focused, and gave them the opportunity to move and refocus their energy so that they could be more on task during class. Needless to say students were ecstatic!

Initially, students wanted to sit on the "cool" seats or move around just to be next to their friends. With constant management and discussion of how flexible seating will help them, the excitement wore off and students started to see the benefits of this new way of sitting. Students started to choose a seat that increased their learning. Students started to choose a seat where they knew they wouldn't be distracted. Students started to choose a seat based on what their body needed. They became in tune with what they each needed individually to do their best. From then on, students were more excited to be at school. Students worked better in groups and put more effort into their work. The quality of students' work increased due to the fact that they were more focused during class. As a teacher, seeing this change in my students made me more of a believer in flexible seating.

So I would like to say it again...thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for believing in this project enough to donate. I believe that flexible seating offers the best environment for students to learn and I hope that all teachers one day make the change!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Martinson