Past projects 13
A Reading Adventure: The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Funded Nov 18, 2022Your generous gift will be used to integrate history and fiction reading. These Who Was books integrate seamlessly into our already established westward expansion curriculum and allow kids great reading material at their grade level.
Reading is an exciting part of every school day. Due to great technology advancements, students are able to choose how they access these books by listening to audio files, partner reading or reading on their own. This allows all students to access materials through their preferred method. Also, those students that are approaching grade level standard can listen to the book and not be limited by vocabulary.
Who Were/Was books are incredibly popular in my room. They are short reads, engaging and teach a lot of great history. Combine this with my collection of books on the topic and it will make for an exciting culminating project through writing.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
Folktales and Natural Disasters
Funded Nov 18, 2022Your generous gift will be used to integrate science and genre of folktales. The genre of folktales can be used to teach so many different literary elements including plot, theme and character development. These I Survived books integrate seamlessly into our already established folktale library and allow kids great reading material at their grade level.
Reading is an exciting part of every school day. Due to great technology advancements, students are able to choose how they access these books by listening to audio files, partner reading or reading on their own. This allows all students to access materials through their preferred method. Also, those students that are approaching grade level standard can listen to the book and not be limited by vocabulary.
I Survived books are incredibly popular in my room. They are short reads, engaging and teach a lot of great history. Combine this with my folktale collection and it will make for an exciting culminating project through writing.
Thank you so much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
Boom! Social and Emotional Learning
Funded Dec 6, 2021Thank you so much for donating to my project. We are using our boomwhackers on a weekly basis and it is helping our school family to grow! We use these music makers for a uniting activity in the morning, a brain break in the afternoon or just to put a smile on everyone's face.
When I opened the box with the materials, the students were instantly excited. Boomwhackers are an instrument they have used in music class before but not in a regular classroom.
I envision these instruments and their purpose will evolve over time into something big. For now, we are using them to bring each other together, work as a team, unite with music and to bring joy to each and every child.
Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
Fantasy Books of Fire
Funded Apr 1, 2021Thank you so much for donating to my classroom library. There are so many fantasy books out there right now that children love. Wings of Fire is by far the most read series of books in my classroom the past two years. These books are engaging, have amazing art work and tell the stories of heroic dragons.
I absolutely love reading. I am an avid reader myself and my goal is to have every child love reading by the time they finish the school year. We are currently working on a year long reading challenge where every student (and myself) are trying to read 40 books each. At the end of October, we have already finished 155 books!
Wings of Fire is an especially popular series amongst the higher level reading students. Due to the nature of the genre and the vocabulary used, my higher readers are flourishing while reading these novels.
Once again, I greatly appreciate this donation. These books will be well loved for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by T-Mobile.Prey for Reading: Animal Behaviors
Funded Nov 19, 2020I absolutely love reading! I am an avid reader and you can find me reading waiting at the dentist, eating breakfast in the morning, with a nightlight attached to my book and out on my patio in the summer. There is nothing more important than sharing that love of reading with my students.
I structure our reading block so that students watch me dissect text, practice it with a partner or small group and then read independently. This gradual release allows for student success as their confidence grows with their new found knowledge.
My students this year LOVE animals. These books have been thoroughly enjoyed as we just started back to school.
Once again, thank you so much for your donation. These books will be loved for many years to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
Predator or Prey? Reading About Science
Funded Nov 6, 2020Thank you so much for funding this project! Literacy can open the doors to so many adventurous and endless knowledge. While reading these books, students have learned strategies for reading informational text while also focusing on animal adaptations.
Reading in my classroom is my favorite time of day! I teach fluency, decoding and comprehension while trying to instill that love of reading.
My students this year LOVE animals. I am not sure if I have ever had a group that is quite so animal crazy.
Once again, thank you! These books will be loved for many years to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
History Through Graphic Novels
Funded Oct 23, 2020Thank you so much for your generous donation. The gift of reading is one that keeps on giving! Your donation of graphic history novels will bring life to historical events. Many of the students in my class this year gravitate towards graphic novels. When you can learn history through these comic style books, it is really powerful!
Reading in my classroom is emphasized from the first day. We have recently started back to school in a hybrid model. I challenged my students to read twenty books before the end of the year. I am working on the challenge too! During our school day, I read aloud to my students, we work on reading strategies and read for fun!
As I stated earlier, I have many students this year that love graphic novels. These books have been checked out from my library in the first few weeks and word is getting out about how good they are! I hope that these books will continue to inform students about historical events and that they have fun learning too!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and one other donor.Vote for Reading!
Funded Mar 7, 2020Your donation is greatly appreciated! Historical fiction is a required genre for fourth grade readers. This text revolves around the 19th Amendment and the right to vote in the United States. Students will be learning about making connections between historical events and this text, theme, main idea and vocabulary related to government.
With the school closure looming in March, I gave this book to a handful of students in my classroom to read for fun. They absolutely loved it! I am looking forward to reading this as an entire group when we return in a hybrid model soon.
I am passionate about literacy. While I do not have any current projects posted (I have had great funding success lately), I will be posting some in the near future revolving around books.
Once again, thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 2 other donors.Snail Mail Encouragement!
Funded Nov 6, 2020Thank you so much for funding this project. I am still teaching remotely and I am working hard to establish relationships with my students. These mailed letters and cards are bringing smiles to my small community. I have recently sent out a batch of birthday cards and notes of encouragement. All of the kids received an individualized motivational quote to keep them going!
I have had emails from parents telling me how much these cards have meant. Students login to Zoom and tell me they received their mail. It is the little things that make a big impact!
I am passionate about literacy. You will see that I have projects posted for class book sets and I am hoping to have them funded by the spring. I also plan on starting a book reading challenge when we return in a hybrid model. I cannot wait to get back to teaching in person!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
Game On! Social Learning Through Games
Funded May 28, 2020Thank you for donating to my project, Game On! I created this project with a few students on my mind. These students did not enjoy the playground at recess and were constantly trying to find a way to stay in the classroom. These students were incredibly social but looking for something different. These games were picked by students for recess fun!
While designing this project, the students were so excited to see these items online. While we have started the year in remote learning, I know that they will be hit! There are a wide variety of games for all different interests and groups.
Next steps for my classroom include engaging all students through reading material at a wide variety of levels and topics. Games and books are one way we can all connect in the classroom. Once again, thank you for donating. Your donation will impact students for many years to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 5 other donors.