Past projects 1
Let's Get a Working Treadmill for the AMS Weight Room
Funded Jan 13, 2020
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Our weight room is lacking proper equipment at AMS. We have a long way to go an a meager budget. A new treadmill that works to replace the non-working treadmill that is taking up a lot of space would be amazing. It would be an opportunity, not just for students to get some cardio in during class, but for students who are struggling in a classroom get a little break from class in a productive way. It will also help those that are insecure about doing certain sporting activities in front of their peers to have a little quiet get away where they will still get some the fitness aspect of a PE class, but with more confidence and without the feeling of all eyes being on them. Please help Mrs. K and Mr. C start to make the best experience for our students that we can!!