Past projects 1
Move, Groove, Learn!
Funded Nov 6, 2017
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Learning is a vulnerable experience. Kids need to be comfortable physically, in order to encourage their minds to take risks. Your donation will play a part in allowing my students a variety of seating options within our school day, whereby promoting increased self-awareness, self-esteem and love of learning. I aim to cultivate a classroom environment where movement is not only possible, but encouraged! The items listed below will be utilized individually by all students throughout our school day during whole group instruction, small group instruction, in centers, and during independent work. With support from our classroom guidelines, student will choose which flexible seating option will work for them and they will be able to use it for the entirety of our school day. By helping me to transform my classroom to include various physical movements at different work stations throughout our day, my students will demonstrate increased overall health, attention and focus. It's in the facts: “Increasing blood flow to the brain through movement is important, as studies show that learning is a multisensory event, and that by engaging all the senses we can increase the likelihood of students retaining the lessons they are learning.” - R.Rotz & S. Wright / Fidget to Focus Thank you for helping my students to help themselves!