Past projects 1
The Tech Teacher Says, "A Tablet a Day!"
Funded Nov 22, 2021This classroom project was brought to life by The Allstate Foundation and 2 other donors.
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I am a Technology teacher in a Title I school district where funds are limited. Additionally, I am a technology teacher that has continued to teach in the midst of a global pandemic where students have transitioned to hybrid and virtual learning models for safety. Many students are quarantined and are lacking technology to continue learning at home. My curriculum requires that I teach social media, computer safety, multimedia presentations, career exploration and the like. Our current technology is not up to date resulting in slow processes. It often takes about twenty minutes of class time for computers to load. A class set of tablets will allow students to continue to follow each lesson without delay. Technology is fundamental to continuously engage my students with the tools that they need to be successful in the future. A class set of tablets will facilitate collaboration, inclusion, differentiation, productivity, creativity, automation and future future focus. I have chosen Amazon tablets as they are the most cost effective on the market.