The Tech Teacher Says, "A Tablet a Day!"

Funded Nov 22, 2021

As a 6th grade technology teacher, I am responsible for teaching my students how to safely use technology as responsible digital citizens. In additional to this critical skill, I teach computer ethics and internet tools, computing fundamentals and operating systems, keyboarding, word processing, and multimedia presentations. It is impossible to teach my scholars without functioning technology.

During the pandemic of 2020, our students were issued Google Chromebooks. For the first time ever, our students were one-to-one with devices. However, there were no "extras" for those frequent times when students broke their devices or forgot them at home. Sharing devices was not a viable option when students are completing individual assignments. Your donation of a class set of tablets was a God-send.

My students have been able to utilize the Amazon Fire tablets in my classroom when their school-issued devices fail or aren't available. I am able to meet their technology needs by issuing them a device for use during class-time. So, no child is left behind. I am thankful for your support.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Henderson