Flexible Seating for Flexible Thinking!

Funded Aug 11, 2016

We absolutely love our new flexible seating. It has given my students a voice in our classroom to choose where they learn best. At the beginning of the school year, my students were beyond excited. We had the "cool" classroom! Most of the parents got on board (with a little more convincing and research). Many other teachers in my building have also chosen to offer flexible seating to their students, as well.

Everyday, my students can choose whether they sit on a yoga ball, use the wobble cushions, spread on the carpet and use a lapdesk...the possibilities are endless. I have loved watching students differentiate on where to sit based on the task. For example, I have one student who LOVES standing at our table and using the wobble cushion during independent work time or mini lesson. However, when it comes to taking a test, he would rather sit on the carpet with a lapdesk. He says when he is really concentrating and making sure his work is neat, he does best when he can lay flat.

While it is cool and fun, it is also extremely beneficial. Some of my most energetic kiddos can stay focused and on task longer in my room than some of the other classrooms. They feel more of a part of our room and take ownership of their choice and learning. I am excited to see the ripple effects of this throughout their careers as students. They have already given me recommendations for new products/seating options they would like to see in their classroom! I am looking forward to creating another project to expand the options available in the near future.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Goonan