Past projects 6
Color Guard Jaguars!
Funded Sep 14, 2024Our school has not had a color guard / flag team in many years. Last year as we were marching in our Mardi Gras parade the band teacher learned I used to be on the flag team in high school. When he learned this he asked if I could start up a new flag team to support and encourage the band. We moved to a new school location this year and had literally no supplies to start with. I started collecting members in May of 2024, and when August rolled around I had a group of very mindful, intelligent, excited students with which I could begin the school year.
When I posted in the flag team Google Classroom that our swing flags had been fully funded students were so enthusiastic. "YIPPEEEEEEE" "🥳🥳🥳" When I suggested we make our second routine choreography with the swing flags the students said "Yesssss!" We have our first Football game THIS THURSDAY and the swing flags are coming with us. We will soon be creating choreography for the stands with them and I will be sure to get lots of photos. We will continue to use these flags year after year. Even the band director is happy to see our "school colors on the field."
You are appreciated”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu
Superior Sculpture
Funded Jan 22, 2022Thank you so much for your contributions to our classroom. Talented Visual Art students learned about sculpture artist Claus Oldenburg and were given the freedom to create a sculpture of their choice using the supplies you so graciously sent to us. They created aluminum foil armature and Sculpy forms, the using the tools you purchased to include details. These polymer baked pieces will last decades as a reminder of your gift. There is no group more deserving than these, kind, hard working, students, who care about their art and asked to include sculpture in their learning process. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu
Stunning Student Designs!
Funded Nov 2, 2021You have given the National Art Honor Society something they have never had before. These Club shirts will reward hard working students for their efforts. In addition to this it will help with visibility and unification of the students in the National Art Honor Society!
Each year the NAHS students create fantastic work. We have used our artistic talent to create ornaments for Celebration in the Oaks in City Park and to create portraits for The Memory Project for Orphans in other countries. In addition to this we complete beautification projects in the form of sculpture, add lettering to senior footballs and basketballs, and have adorned faculty retirement gifts with our paintings.
These students deserve these beautiful shirts and you have given them a gift I could not afford. When I opened the box and started handing out the shirts students said, "Can we wear them TODAY?!" "yesssssssssss," "oooooohhhh," "sooo preeeeetty," "Can we wear it on Friday as our spirit shirt?!" Yes, yes they can, and they will wear these shirts every Friday of their choosing. I can't thank you enough for contributing to the joy of these wonderful kids.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu
This classroom project was brought to life by Townsend Press and 5 other donors.Bringing Nation-Wide Standards to Edgard!
Funded Nov 26, 2017Thank you so much for your contribution. Currently, Your funding is helping me renew my National Board Certification. The original National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification process required me to prove my teaching abilities through photos, videos, reports and testing of my Art Content area.
The renewal requires me to reflect on years of my teaching and elaborate on specific areas of teaching. This is to be used as proof that I have continued to develop and evolve as a teacher and an Artist.
All of this greatly impacts my students. Our school is located in a small, isolated community, however, the students are high achievers. Because the are so secluded much of what students learn about life happens here at the school. These hard working pupils deserve a competent, confident, knowledgeable teacher.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu
Celebration of Art In The Oaks
Funded Nov 17, 2016Thank you so much for funding our trip to New Orleans City Park! The trip was a great success! We displayed our "Christmas On Safari" themed artwork on one of the trees in Storyland Park. This allowed the students to garner a sense of pride in the quality of their work. Also, by making this meaningful contribution to their community pupils were able to see how they are associated with and benefit the local public.
The highlight was after we finished decorating our tree. We had enough time to walk over to the Besthoff Sculpture Garden. The idea of seeing famous, high quality artwork was very appealing to my students. There is a great variety of sculptures available for students to observe and they can get close enough to examine tiny details. They made insightful observations, took pictures, and even created videos inspired by the work they saw.
This trip has inspired my pupils to continue their work in the community. Since the trip students have volunteered to create a mural on our softball Dugout and create artwork for one of our local parades. You have funded much more than a bus! You have contributed to my students self-worth.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu
Fine Arts Survey and Arts 1 and 2
Funded Jan 1, 2015When I explained to my students that all of the supplies we requested for the remainder of the school year were funded by outside sources their eyes were wide and some mouths dropped open. I told them that we have paint, color pencils, scissors, plaster of paris, multimedia board, markers, paint, brushes, and anything else we needed to complete every project. Of course the students were interested such generous people! I got comments like, "Wow!" "Wooooo!" "Who gave us the supplies?" "Why?" "Do you know them?" "Are they your friends?" "We need to tell them thank you!" I told them your names and that you were extremely kind people who just gave for the sake of giving.
So far Art 1 has practiced their elements of design with the color pencils they were given. This is my introductory lesson for new students. Then, they apply their knowledge with the same color pencils when they draw their hobbies and interests on their portfolio. They have used the charcoal you provided to create their still life drawings of fruit and glass bottles which required a great amount of effort from my students! We just finished our portrait project. For this artwork we used the card stock and markers you provided. Most of the students chose to draw celebrities like Alicia Keys or athletes like Derek Jeter.
Art 2 has used the paint and illustration board you donated to create their collages. When this project is created I allow the student to choose the subject matter. They then paint, draw, cut out and glue items to fill the board and create an interesting composition. The color pencils and card stock have been used to create their exquisite corpses. This is a Dada or Surrealist art game where each person creates a piece of a creature (the head, body, or legs). They don't know who else is in their group until the end of the project when I assign the members and we assemble the create. Right now, the illustration board and paint is being used to create mosaics. Students are drawing designs and adhering colored rocks to their designs.
Fine Arts Survey is treated as an Art History course. During during the introduction we learn about the elements of design and use the color pencils provided. After this we used charcoal to create Prehistoric cave art. Then, while learning about Egypt students created a cartouche which is the symbol for Egyptian Royalty. Their wrote their names inside the cartouche using hieroglyphics and colored their work using color pencils. Right now we are in the Greek era. Students just used the color pencils and card stock to create Greek theater masks. These masks will be used for our performance of Book X of the Odyssey!
The supplies you provided us have helped us every step of the way. Our classes would not have begun with fun activities if we did not have color pencils. We would not have transitioned so smoothly through the Egyptian and to the Greek era. Imagination, music and dancing can only take us so far. I am so pleased that the students can express their creativity by creating their own artwork. Your supplies will continue to give the students an outlet until the end of the school year. I believe the students understand that your contributions have expanded the limits of the class. I could see it as they expressed their gratitude in the thank you notes they created. An Art class with no paint, brushes, and no color pencils would be a sad place indeed! Thank you for making our classroom a beautiful place!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Larmeu