Past projects 7
Recycling 101
Funded Apr 7, 2011Thank you so much for your generosity. Our new recycling containers have been a hit at our school. Students are very aware of the importance of recycling. I often catch some of the students stopping someone from throwing paper into the regular trash bin. It has been encouraging to see this on a regular basis.
We are hoping to take the paper recycling to the next level soon. We want students to understand how recycling plastics is rather easy. We will be teaching a lesson on composting and recycling very soon to our newest group of students. It's our hope that we begin to change the habits of families one at a time. Thanks for your support with our efforts. It means a lot to us!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
Relax and Read!
Funded Dec 1, 2010Thank you so much for helping our classroom! The students are really enjoying the new reading furniture! The students are on a scheduled rotation for the rockers because the demand is so great. They absolutely love them! The chairs are so bright and colorful that the whole room just feels more kid-friendly!
I have been able to use the three bean bag chairs to enhance our classroom mini economy. The students get paid for their classroom jobs and they can use their classroom money to "rent" one of the bean bag chairs for the day. It has been a huge hit in the classroom! It's a nice reward for their hard work.
Again, thank you so much for your generosity and support for public education. You have made the classroom a better place to be and to learn. The students and I are so grateful for people like you who help enhance education. Thank you taking the time to learn about our classroom environment and being such a supporter! You have made our world a better place! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
Mini Economy has a Large Impact!
Funded Aug 29, 2010Thank you so much for supplying my students with calculators, dry erase markers, adding machines, and pencils and erasers! The students now know how to use a calculator. It has enhanced our classroom learning environment tremendously! I am able to differentiate instruction because the students can use the calculators to check their own work. I am able to put three different level math problems on the board to meet all the students' needs. As the students complete the problem they can instantly check his/her answers and move on to the next problem without waiting on me.
The students are also enjoying "purchasing" the erasers and pencils you have provided them. They use their hard earned classroom dollars to purchase them. It works wonderfully because they are learning to be responsible. The mini-economy is off to a great start!
Thank you again for thinking of us! We are very grateful and we truly appreciate your generosity! I appreciate you helping purchase things for the classroom! I promise we will get great use out of everything! I am so thankful!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
"Worm" On It!
Funded Dec 21, 2009Thank you so much for providing my students with the supplies to make our Disney Planet Challenge project possible. We had a great time creating our compost boxes. The most fun for the students was adding the redworms! They really enjoyed learning about the process and it was neat for them to see the learning come full circle as new, rich soil was created. This tied in beautifully with another project we did this year-planting tulips. The students were able to understand how the rich soil was helpful to the tulip bulbs.
We are so grateful for the opportunity you gave us! Thank you for doing such wonderful things for our classrooms! "Going Green" has never been so important and this was an awesome way to show how we can take it one step further in our community! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
This classroom project was brought to life by Disney's Planet Challenge and 3 other donors.Fun, Fellowship, and Fitness!
Funded Oct 17, 2009My class and I want to thank you so much for your generous donations! The students have thoroughly enjoyed using all the playground equipment you have provided us. As their teacher, I have watched the students participate in dozens of kickball and football games. Some of the students are picking up on how to play ultimate freesbie, too.
Yesterday, the flag football belts arrived. It's unfortunate timing for the students because there is snow on the ground, but they delighted in the fact that they will be there when the snow melts aways and the warm sun comes back to us.
I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide a fun and active recess for our students. They look forward to their activity time and respect the equipment. I know it means more to them because you have provided it to them.
Thank you for being a supporter of education and an upstanding citizen. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
Is It My Time To Shine?
Funded Oct 15, 2009Thank you so much for your generous donations for our classroom camcorder. We love it! It came in at a great time. We were working on a project making Christmas decorations. Our idea was to sell the Christmas donations and give the profit to a local food pantry. The students used the camcorder to make their commercials for their products. The commercials aired on the morning announcements for the whole school to see! They turned out great, plus we raised $300! We are trying to pay forward the good that came our way because of you!
Thank you for allowing me to help my student create fun, engaging projects. It was fun watching the students "act" in their commercials. I saw a few of my students bloom because of the experience. We having some shining stars among us!
I will make sure the camcorder is well taken care of so many students can enjoy and experience the goodness that came from you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton
This classroom project was brought to life by Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation and 3 other donors.9 X 9 is 81, Can You Help Us Have Some Fun?
Funded May 21, 2009Thank you again for your generous donation to provide fun, engaging math games to our classroom. The games you have donated to us are being played by hundreds of students. We use them in our fourth grade math classes and in our after school math multiplication club. The students in our after school club are fifth and sixth graders who have not yet mastered their basic math facts. The games are a hit! We have proof in the number of students who want to stay after school!
Our school, unfortunately like many others, has a large population of students who are labeled "at risk." By supplying math games, you have given me a chance to provide the students with an opportunity. With hard work and opportunity, my students can overcome some of the struggles their families have had to endure.
I can promise you my students will remember your kindness and generosity for a long time. You have done something really special by not only providing them with materials, but showing them the kindness and goodness of people of world. Since my classroom operates like a mini-economy, where students "pay" for textbooks and the use of his or her desk, they truly understand the sacrifice you made to provide to us. Thank you again for taking the time to read our proposal and for supporting us! We will pay it forward! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Denton