Past projects 12
Let's See Bees Firsthand!
Funded Aug 3, 2023My students were so curious about this beehive when it arrived, and I can't wait to put the bees in it and show them! It will be a great facilitator of them learning the scientific method, and how to question things around them, as well as how nature works in a hands on way.
I painted it to give it a little bit more pizzazz, but I'm sure that it won't just be the fifth graders who will enjoy it. I have a feeling it will be a hit with the whole school! Thank you so much for supporting me in all my endeavors. It means so much to me and my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 7 other donors.STEM Building Kit
Funded Feb 13, 2023Every time our students get something new to experiment with, there's always a tangible excitement in the room. When this came, it was so much bigger than we were initially expecting! All the additions, including a flag for the "end", made them very anxious to try it out. We've done Rube Goldberg machines already this year, but they wanted to try again the moment this came.
During some extra STEM time, we pulled this kit out. Everyone wanted a chance to try it out! Watching them work out how to put it together, you could almost see the wheels turning in their heads. Thank you so much for all you do for our classroom--it really makes a difference!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
This classroom project was brought to life by 3MGives-Murray and 4 other donors.Recess and STEM Equipment
Funded Nov 29, 2022Thank you so much for the materials you have donated to our classroom! The recess equipment was very well received--the students couldn't wait to get their hands on it. They all had a lot of fun experimenting with the "skip ball" ankle toys and the cornhole. The cornhole is especially popular during indoor recess.
The tug of war rope is two-fold: We used it during our science lesson about balanced and unbalanced forces, as well as for recess! They REALLY loved all the different teams we tried to see who could win. We also used the playdough tools for our Christmas science lesson about how to make playdough.
I can't wait to use the rest of the resources as the weather warms up and we get into different science units! I'm not sure who is more excited: Me, or the kids.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 7 other donors.Let's Get Hands On!
Funded Jan 19, 2022Thank you for funding us! My kids were absolutely thrilled to open up these materials, and can't wait to use them.
One thing that surprised me—I knew the recess equipment and science supplies would be a huge hit, but they were all fascinated with the math resources too! They loved the colorful calculators and measuring cups/jugs.
I'm especially excited to use our "chick life cycle"—we are going to incubate chicks this year and now they can use that resource to see what the eggs look like each day until they hatch!
Thank you again for all you do.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.Let's Add Some Culture!
Funded Dec 2, 2020Thank you for your generosity! I've received almost all the materials, and while I don't have in class students right now, we teachers have been gushing over all the books and the fun lessons they can teach.
We also broke into the candy--just a few pieces! It was a strange experience for us adults, so I am thrilled to be able to share it with kids someday soon. Turns out I'm not as brave as I thought I was when it comes to eating things that you can't read what it is.
This project will help bring awareness to all different types of things--gender, equality, disabilities, culture, religion and more. I am so excited to show my students how different is great!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron and 2 other donors.Computers To Overcome COVID!
Funded Oct 27, 2020As some of you already know, many of my students are online right now. Most of them have a computer checked out from the school, but that leaves few computers to spread amongst the other classes. Having these four computers, this year in specific, will actually help my co-teachers more than me!
Every year, however, it seems we have a shortage of computers when we need them. I have students that have programs to complete (such as English Language Learner programs), papers to finish writing, things to look up and more every year, and it can be a pain to have to go find and borrow computers from another room, especially if they're all being used. These computers will allow my class more freedom and access to technology, which is a skill that is desperately needed for my students to succeed in the future.
Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
Books, Science and More, Oh My!
Funded Oct 30, 2020Thank you so much for helping our students get some fun resources. The things we received were so fun that even students from other classes wanted to take a look! The Harry Potter books in particular were a big hit--full of beautiful pictures to go along with a great story. I may have to guard those carefully, from all the students who wanted one for themselves!
Students love to have new things to look at and explore with. Even though we haven't gotten to our magnetism unit yet in class, they were fascinated by the magnetic shavings and wands, as well as the snake skeleton. These led to some great discussions about science!
I am so grateful to know such wonderful people who are willing to help out my class.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
Flexible Seating in Our Classroom
Funded Jan 22, 2020My students and I thank you for your generosity. They have been so excited to check out the flexible seating, and work hard and quiet to be able to "earn" it! They love having the freedom to learn without having to be at their desks, and the options we have are a hot commodity.
As for the students that this project had specifically in far, so good. Time will tell if they consistently make a difference in these children's lives, but with what I have seen so far, I am hopeful. My future classroom will hopefully have even more flexible seating options! Maybe one day, we won't even have to have desks. For now, it helps my students happily enjoy learning, and that's good enough for me.
All the thanks in the world to you, my wonderful friends and family. Thank you for supporting our classroom time and again, to enable us to be the best we can be.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
Help My Students Problem Solve With a Breakout EDU Kit!
Funded Dec 5, 2018Thank you so much for these amazing materials! We opened the box up today and all the students were very intrigued. I had kept it a surprise what exactly the students were getting, and when I took apart the contents of the Breakout Box, they were still confused! They got a lot more excited once they realized that it was essentially an "escape game" in the classroom.
The educational aspect of the escape room was almost not realized by them because they were having so much fun--they didn't realize they were learning things like geography, math, communication skills, and problem solving skills, all at the same time.
As we go through this year (and future years), this BreakoutEDU box that you have furnished us with will be a real treat for my students. They feel very lucky to have been selected to get to use these materials, and the other classrooms are a bit jealous, to tell the truth. I guess maybe we'll have to share. ; ) We appreciate all you do for us!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones
Math Supplies for Our Class!
Funded Nov 15, 2018Thank you so much for these amazing materials! Even though the work to get the supplies and my students, we couldn't have done it without Donor's Choose. My students are excited to receive their materials. They didn't know we'd be getting more math manipulatives, and the other classes were jealous that they wouldn't get to "play" with them during math time.
As we go through this year (and future years), the tools that you have furnished us with will be a real treat for my students. They feel very lucky to have been selected to get to use these materials.. I guess maybe we'll have to share. ; )”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jones