Past projects 30
In Kindergarten We All Belong!
Funded Aug 24, 2021Thank you so much for donating to our project. Each year we start out with a self-portrait, having the colors of the world crayons allow students to choose colors that are right for them and see themselves represented accurately in their drawings. They love creating self-portraits throughout the year and we are about to do our mid-way creation. At the end of the year, we send all of the self-portraits home for families to see how their students have grown!
We also love the banner, which is in our kindergarten hallway and is a welcoming addition to our area! We decorate a display case near the banner with different themes related to belonging and inclusivity.
Finally, we sent home the All Are Welcome book at the beginning of the year to each family and we have continued to send them home as we have many students join us throughout the year at our school. It is a great way to let families know that we welcome them and support them here at school!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by The Allstate Foundation and 2 other donors.Creative Low-Tech Fun for Remote Kinders!
Funded Nov 3, 2020Thank you so much for helping our remote kinders to have supplies while they learn from home this year!
Each student received a bag of supplies at our monthly supply pick up so that they could use the items to draw, paint, and create during our daily zoom classes.
We have had so many great pictures! Students painted their ideal birthday party, their favorite part of a park, people in their family and their favorite toys. They love being able to show them off and I love that they are all able to keep them all in a nice art journal so they will have these memories of kindergarten for years to come.
We use the Play Doh to do sight words, count our made-up objects and have a fun fidget to use! Thanks again for helping to make kindergarten creative.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
Having Fun During Indoor Recess!
Funded Aug 16, 2018During the long rainy season and winter, fun things for indoor recess are a must!
My students love GoNoodle and the Plus subscription gives us the opportunity to use many more songs and activities including many indoor recess variety programs. The kids love dancing to Kidz Bop, doing Koo Koo Kangaroo songs and rapping with the Blazer Fresh singers. It is a great way for them to move their body and engage in activities even when they are not outside.
The two games are great for those students who enjoy table top games and for our center rotations. Guess Who is a great way to teach students to give clues and enter into reciprocal conversations.
Thanks so much for adding fun to our days!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
A Home For Each Book
Funded Aug 8, 2018Throughout the year, I gave out books to my students. Many of them looked forward to book days as a highlight of their month. They absolutely love Pete the Cat, Clark the Shark and Flat Stanley.
These are perfect, quirky characters for five and six year old students. The books have repetition, great illustrations and are easy enough for some students to read on their own or have help from a grown-up at home. The kids love to be able to find their sight words we are learning at school and show their family all that they are learning!
Thank you so much for making sure that each child has a variety of books in their home!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by The Home Shows Coalition and 4 other donors.Kindergarten Crayons Do Not Quit!
Funded Jul 28, 2018These books were the first, welcoming experience to our classroom community. They were so excited to get beautiful hardcover books to begin their kindergarten journey. Families were grateful to see how the community is also happy for our youngest learners to begin their educational career!
Thanks for joining in this journey of discovery and wonder in kindergarten! So many of my students were so surprised to find out that they could keep these books and bring them home to share with people at home! They love the ability to be the expert and have something important.
Thank you so much for caring about our little kindergarten community!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
Making Kindergarten Creative!
Funded Aug 5, 2018My students loved all the wonderful art supplies that we were able to use this year. Students made self-portraits and stories throughout the year and were able to use our special paints that represented all children. We used the modeling clay and twisteez to make keepsakes that the families loved and will cherish for years to come.
It is so fun to add in arts and crafts to our reading and writing curriculum. The students loved making books that they had created. They love when we make crafts that go along with our themes such as plants, the sun and the sky and family.
Thank you so much for adding the fun and excitement into our class!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by The Home Shows Coalition and 8 other donors.Games to Make Reading Fun!
Funded Apr 16, 2018Thank you so much for all of the awesome games to support our reading instruction! We use the games each week to help support our beginning reading instruction.
Students love to be able to use their new skills to play games. Our beginning readers match letters with ABC Go Fish and identify letters and sounds with POP! Students who are starting to hear the sounds at beginning of the words are using our Beginning Word Dominoes and Cards. Students who are ready to make words use the 6 in 1 game to make CVC words like pig, log, cat, dog and more!
Being able to have a variety of games allows all students to have a chance to play and use their new skills. We can differentiate the games according to their skills and watch as students progress through the more challenging games!
Thank you for bringing more fun to our classroom!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
Social Emotional Storytelling Stars!
Funded Feb 22, 2018Thank you so much for funding the video camera. We have used it so much during our Second Step Social Emotional lessons. Students are able to role play different scenarios like how to ask a friend to join them for lunch or how to take turns while playing. Students can also role play what to talk about during snack and how to wait to take a turn with a teacher. We video tape these different times and then watch them together. Students see what went well, what we could do better or if we could do things differently.
The kids have so much fun watching themselves on the TV. They feel like actors and actresses and like what they have to say is important. It has been a huge self-esteem boost and also brought our class closer together!
Thank you so much for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by AT&T and 2 other donors.WikkiStix and Workbooks for Wondrous Summer Fun!
Funded Mar 13, 2018Thank you so much for making our end-of-the-year party and send off to first grade a success! The kids LOVED the WikkiStix and workbooks-so much so that they started using both during the party!
Wow! Kindergarten is so awesome. They love to learn and think that it is fun and exciting to use things and color and create! It was great to see them showing their parents the workbooks and sitting down to start working on them right away. You could see the pride on their parents' faces as they watched their little ones make simple words, do addition and color in pictures.
Everyone loved the Wikkistix. We had Wikki-men and Wikki-women, Wikki-cars and Wikki-houses. They kept playing and creating with them and even continued to use them at home. One mom sent me a picture of their little one's creation that night.
It is so encouraging to be a part of my students' kindergarten journey. They have wonder and curiosity that is infectious!
Thank you so much for helping to make a meaningful summer for my students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and 9 other donors.Sanitizing to Keep Kinders Healthy
Funded Jan 23, 2018Thank you so much for helping us through this tough cold and flu season. Thankfully, during the worst of the flu, most of my students did not contract it. I believe this was because we were diligent in our hand washing, sanitizing and cleaning of surfaces throughout the day.
This whole season had so many illnesses, and the elementary school in the next village even had to close down for a day to have an industrial cleaning team come through and disinfect it. I am happy to say that none of my students got that illness.
The students were happy to learn and use the cleaning supplies and keep up with hand washing and sanitizing. One great thing about kindergarten is that if you say it is fun, put a smile on your face, and show them what to do, most kinders will happily follow along and think it's awesome.
Keeping things clean is a lifelong skill and we had so many students that loved to help with this which is an important trait to possess and will help them as they grow older.
Thank you so much for helping me to keep my kinders healthy and happy this year!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bundschuh
This classroom project was brought to life by The Clorox Company and 2 other donors.