Save Our Scripts!

Funded Jul 24, 2023

Thank you again for your generosity! Having a rolling cart for each day of the week allows me to prepare in advance for my week of itinerant teaching. Traveling each day was always a hassle because I would have to load, unload, and reload my one rolling cart. Inevitably something would get left behind. Now, I can check and double check and have everything in the cart to roll out the classroom door each day. I can even load my car with the "Cart of the Day" the night before and with a different project happening at each school this is a huge help. One project is "A Brief Christmas Carol," a ten minute staged version of the classic novel, which uses props, costumes, and even an 8 foot back-pack puppet for the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is a lot less of a hassle now that I can leave one cart with everything in it at the performing school until the show is over. The same is true at my home base school.

Students were thrilled with the new binders, pencil cases, and highlighters. At my home based school the majority of the students are unable to provide what they need for this class. The binders keeps everything together whether they take them home or leave them in the rolling cart. Also, the black binders look more professional when the need arises to read from the script in front of an audience. In addition to the art paper I received, I added writing paper, crayons, a pencil, and an ink pen to their pouches as these are items they will also need when taking notes, marking director notes in their scripts, or designing costumes or scenery.

Rehearsing for a performance is mostly what we do in this class. Some students are rehearsing a Christmas play, some are working on a larger play to be presented in the Spring during Arts/Theatre in Schools Month which takes in March. I am looking forward to fewer copies needed, and fewer crumpled scripts as well as having the students explore their creativity because they now have the tools to make it happen!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Anna