Past projects 7
Brain Snacks
Funded Jun 3, 2024Your generosity knows no bounds! We are so grateful for your consideration when deciding where to donate your hard-earned funds. Thank you for taking on that responsibility so that I could focus on growing these kids' brains! These supplies will help power our young scholars' path towards future success!”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 4 other donors.Crafting Language Learners
Funded Jan 31, 2024Thank you tremendously for your generous donations! Your kindness has brought so much joy to my Kindergarten students who are learning the fundamentals of spoken language, turn-taking, color names, and letter recognition. You will see in the photos how these supplies have really brought our learning to life. Our collaborative and interactive alphabet staircase art installation is just the best example of how this project has literally be colored by your donations. I am so grateful to have these supplies and know they will benefit students in this classroom for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
Fuel for Intervention
Funded Dec 5, 2023Our students hearts and bellies are full from your generously donated snacks! The Pringles were the first to go, especially the Sour Cream and Onion flavor. Our kids who eat halal are very grateful to have gelatin-free fruit snacks available for them. Our kindergarten students LOVE the GoGo Squeeze snacks, especially for breakfast. Students also really enjoy Bob the Snail-- not only for the delicious snack, but also for the cute packaging that they like to keep. Finally, we have more Cheez Its and breakfast bars than we know what to do with!
In addition to the tasty snacks, we also received hundreds of mints for standardized testing. Students were very appreciative to have some focus food during MAP testing. Your donations fed our minds, bodies, and souls. Thanks for fueling our learning!”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Desks, Shmesks!
Funded Aug 14, 2019You should've seen my students faces when they entered their classroom and saw the brand new desk chairs on the first day of school! Excited doesn't even begin to cover it.
My classroom is small and located on the second floor, in the second grade hallway. My students are in 7th and 8th grades. They often complain about being in the "baby hallway," away from their peers, in the "special classroom." Now, they feel like Middle School students and the chairs help them feel more grown up.
My students are more focused, more comfortable, and more ready to learn than ever before, and we have you to thank for that. Our classroom is transformed by our flexible seating options, and I am eternally grateful.”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 8 other donors.More Surface Area
Funded Nov 2, 2018Thank you so much for your contribution to our classroom! Our new table has been a wonderful tool for creating visuals, providing reusable work space for students, and for having fun. My students are enamored of this table and having it here has given new life to our work station. Your generosity never ceases to amaze and inspire me to keep doing this work to the best of my ability. Thank you for providing me with the tools necessary to give quality instruction to all students, as every student deserves.”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
Vision Board
Funded Jan 9, 2018When my students saw our new whiteboard, they were overwhelmed with an emotion I though surprising: relief! They immediately started comparing the new whiteboard to our old one, filled with complaints about the days of ghost writing, sloppy erasing, and -- wow! The new board is magnetic!
I was able to install the new board on the other side of my room, which meant moving my small-group table to the other side as well. My students love the new layout of the room, and so do I. The flow and function of the room is the greatest it's ever been. I am able to post printed visuals on the board with magnets, and I am able to draw, write, and erase without having to worry about wiping the board clean. The board is a beautiful, fresh white all the time, so I no longer need to stay after school to give it a thorough cleaning on Friday afternoons. Happy teacher, happy class!
I could not have created this space for my students to grow without your help. I hope this letter leaves you with a smile on your face, knowing that you have given joy to students with hearing loss and their teacher. My classroom is becoming a sanctuary of peace and learning, bit by bit, and it is in no small part thanks to you.
Your generosity is never lost on me, and not a day goes by that I don't recall the amazement I felt when this projected was funded in less than two hours. Together, you and I are giving these students the very best that we can, only this is my job and this is your choice. Thank you for choosing us.”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa
Bean Bag Blues
Funded Dec 30, 2017When my students came into our classroom and saw how the brand new, large bean bag chairs had transformed our reading and writing center, they were simply blown away. They couldn't resist jumping right into their shiny, soft thrones!
We use our bean bag chairs and large lined-paper magnet every day during journal time. The lined-paper magnet provides my students with the visual representation of my journal expectations, which has helped improve their writing format, neatness, and organization. They just love to sit in this comforting space while they write! Gone are the days of sitting at the table and groaning come journal time! Not only has the quality of their writing improved, but so has their morale and writing stamina. It's amazing how much of an impact a simple change in environment can have on students.
I could not have created this space for my students to grow without your help. I hope this letter leaves you with a smile on your face, knowing that you have given joy to students with hearing loss and their teacher. My classroom is becoming a sanctuary of peace and learning, bit by bit, and it is in no small part thanks to you.”
With gratitude,
Mx. Christa