Past projects 2
The Essentials of a Mad Scientist
Funded Jun 26, 2018It has been so great having materials for my students. We feel incredibly lucky to have people who are caring and generous enough to donate to our needs and school. Many of my students need hands on activities; having the resources to do these projects has been fantastic this year.
Something that feels really important to say is that without these materials, it is incredibly difficult to teach science. Science is an inquiry based content area, with students learning far more by experiencing the phenomena that they learn about in the classroom. What has been very exciting for me to see is the engagement in the activities we are doing and the desire to learn more about the content we are exploring.
One of the labs we did with these materials was a flame test lab. Students mixed various metal chlorides with water and then burned them to see the color that they emitted. This opened up a conversation around light emission spectrum and how different elements are used because of the color they emit.
It is my goal for my students to leave my class with a deeper appreciation for science; this donation helped do this and for that I am very thankful.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stucker
Forensics for All!
Funded Mar 2, 2018Being a high school teacher is honestly one of the most rewarding jobs there is; I spend my days with future doctors, scientists, authors and activists. I am privileged to see children mature and grow into articulate and thoughtful young men and women. The students that walk through the door of my classroom are the future of this country.
It is a common saying that it takes a village to raise a child; you are all a part of the village. Through your generous donations, my students were able to access resources that made for a richer more meaningful educational experience. When I went to pick up the package with our donated science supplies, I was brought to tears. Knowing that there are people out there who care about my students and want to be a part of their education is truly amazing. Bringing the supplies to school and showing my students brought me so much joy; there are few moments that can compare to seeing a high school senior become genuinely excited in a class that they thoroughly dislike.
Students completed three labs that they then used to solve a crime. They had to collect evidence and then conduct staff interviews to determine the identity of the killer. My students loved this project. I have not seen this level of enthusiasm from them before; students who are usually chronically absent were coming to school regularly; students who did not see the point of taking a chemistry class realized that science was something they were interested in; students who had no real idea of what they wanted to do post high school now had dreams of a career in forensics; this was all because of you, the donors.
I am still blown away by the generosity and love that you have all shown my students. We're incredibly lucky to have people like you in our corner. Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stucker