Past projects 9
Fine Motor Support for Learning
Funded Dec 31, 2022Thank you for supporting and finding my project for my classroom. My students have enjoyed playing the learning games that I was able to purchase for them. The favorite of all the games is the gumball game! My students beg to play it when they have free time on Fridays!
I also appreciate the handwriting books I was able to purchase. For those students I teach that need support with handwriting of numbers as well as letters, this has been a huge help and support for them!
Thank you for helping me make learning enjoyable for my students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
Manipulatives for Reading and Math
Funded Mar 7, 2022I was very excited to share with my students the resources that I had received as part of your generosity and donation to my project. When we were studying high-frequency words in our reading group the other day, I was able to pull out the Gel Boards that were purchased and give them a new and exciting way to learn these hard words that are often misspelled because they do not follow the rules of English spelling. They were so excited to use them. If you ask any of them how to spell the word "about" they will be able to tell you!
I am also excited to use the dominoes as part of my instruction with ten frames, time, and place value. These resources will give my students an opportunity to put into action what they have been learning about and practice the skills they have been taught in a fun and exciting way. I love using "learning games" because the kids get excited to "play a game", and I love that they are building the skills they need to access everyday math.
Thank you so very much for your generosity to help fund my project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Valhalla Foundation and 2 other donors.Manipulatives and Games to Help us Learn
Funded Jan 19, 2022I want to thank you for the generous donation of much needed items for my classroom. I teach elementary Special Education Resource, and these items will be used by many of my students to help build their skills for reading and for math from grade kindergarten to 5th grade. I like to make my classroom a fun learning environment, and by using the items that I received, I believe I can do just that! The reading items are very colorful and different than what they have been using to learn. My students love the variety of items we have now to help with building first sound fluency, rhyming words, building CVC words and so on. The math supplies were also a big hit! The game packet that I bought for my 4th graders was more than I was expecting! Within the book, there are about 20 different activities and games that they can do to help build their math skills with all the different concepts and skills covered in 4th grade! I was very excited to see this! The fraction manipulatives will be very handy to my 5th graders who have a hard time understanding how to multiply fractions. It is very visual, which is what my students need!
Again, thank you so much for helping my build the needed supplies for my classroom! I truly appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.Second Computer Screen and Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
Funded Mar 29, 2021I want to say THANK YOU so very much for helping me buy the second computer screen and wireless keyboard and mouse for my classroom. I am so thankful for your generous donations that helped fund my project and get me the much-needed supplies for my classroom.
Each day as I am teaching math or reading in my special education classroom, I can move around the room and be closer to my students because I am not tied to my desk with the use of the wireless keyboard and mouse. My students love to use these as well during our lesson, which is projected up on the screen for them to see. I don't have to do all of the work and teaching, they are helping their classmates by being the teacher on some subjects. They love to be able to be in control and help with the online material.
By having two screens in my classroom, I can complete my daily workload a lot faster and I am a more efficient teacher. I can see my students on one screen, when we are doing online learning, and see what I am teaching them on the other. It makes teaching online a lot better and I feel more effective as an educator because I am not constantly changing between tabs on the one screen. I also LOVE how much bigger my new screen is! I can actually see things without having to zoom in.
Thank you again for helping me reach my funding goal for a new computer screen and wireless keyboard and mouse.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Two Screens for Teachers and 2 other donors.Let's Rock and Mineral Investigate!
Funded Mar 13, 2017Thank you for your generosity in helping fund my project "Let's Rock and Mineral Investigate!" My students were so excited to open the packages of rocks and minerals for science. This is my first year of teaching 4th-grade science, and it has been a challenge for me to gather all of the resources that I have needed to help my students succeed in science. By giving them the opportunity to look at rocks and minerals hands-on, has been a great experience for them, as well as for me! I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the rocks and minerals, and my students have loved it as well! I am excited to study more about them and become more familiar with the materials so I can be a better teacher for my students. Next year science class is going to "ROCK"!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo, Utah and 4 other donors.Help Us Become Young Scientists!
Funded Jan 10, 2017I just wanted to say thank you again for helping to fund our project "Help Us Become Young Scientists". When I received the packages, my students were so excited to see what was in the boxes. They came late in the day, so I made a promise that I would not open them until the next day so they could see them with me at the same time. When that time finally came, it was like Christmas all over again! I couldn't believe how excited they were for science equipment!
I let the students open the boxes and look in them to see what cool things were in them. They really loved the Human Body box, in which there was a model of a skeleton and a heart that they could put together. They were FASCINATED with this!
For a lesson about our Rocks and Mineral unit, we did an experiment in which they had to show erosion in sand, and how water has an effect on it. They were so excited and learned so much from such a simple project.
I love how easy they are to use, and how there are lessons already prepared for me. I am excited to continue to use these science boxes for years to come!
Again, thank you for you support and allowing me to purchase these wonderful science boxes for my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
Informational Reading and Writing: Here We Come!
Funded Sep 27, 2016When I opened the boxes with these informational texts in them, my third grade class was so excited! They shouted and cheered with excitement to be able to have new books in the classroom. When I showed them to my fourth grade class, they too, were very happy with the new books! When I opened the box, I was extremely thrilled with the new books!
Because I teach in such a small community and an extremely small school, some of the students will never have the experience of seeing things and going to places that students at larger schools might. By giving my students the opportunity to read about them through books, and seeing very vivid pictures and artwork, it is as if my students are there in person.
I am extremely excited to be able to use these books as part of my writing program that I am teaching this year, and in years to come. These books are great for beginner readers, as well as the advanced. There is plenty of information for ALL level of readers and writers to use to be able to write a well written paper and to do research with.
One day in my class, we had an "informational text" reading afternoon. I partnered up the students and they were able to choose a book and read it together and write down facts about what they learned. I had many students comment on "how cool" their book was, or "look at these pictures! This is awesome!" As a teacher, I was thrilled to see my students' excitement of reading and learning, all because of some "cool books".
Thank you for making it possible for me to bring good informational texts into my classroom so my students can learn about many different things and topics. These books will definitely be used by my students, not only this year, but in years to come! Your donation was very thoughtful and very generous!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
Manipulatives for Math!
Funded Apr 9, 2015I would like to express my appreciation for your donation to my classroom, and the supplies that I was able to purchase for my students. We were learning about fractions in math, and because I am a first year teacher, I don't have a whole lot of supplies built up for my students to use. I had them make their own fraction pieces to use while we studied fractions. Half way through our unit, I was noticing that the pieces they had made were falling apart, getting lost and were ripping. I also noticed that some of the parts weren't exactly divided evenly, so my students weren't able to see how the fractions should have been divided. It was frustrating for me, as teacher, to see my students struggling to use what we had, and it was also frustrating for my students to have to use these supplies, because that is what we had to use.
Because of your donation, my students now have amazing math fraction manipulative's, and I have a fabulous teacher set of BIG fractions that I can use on the board in front of the class, or in small groups.
When I opened the box when it came, my students were so excited to finally have the much needed supplies, so they could actually see how the fractions are divided correctly, and they didn't worry about ripping the pieces or losing them. My students would ask during free time, if they could get the fraction pieces out and use them on the board, or at their desks. They love to figure out fractions now and don't think of it as "boring, old math," but as something they enjoy and actually ask to work on.
Thank you again for your donation to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
Please Help Us Cushion Our Behinds
Funded Dec 30, 2014When I opened the box containing the contents for the project, "Please Help Us Cushion Our Behinds", which were carpet squares, the students were ecstatic to see the supplies that they would be able to use in our classroom. I had explained to them what they would be used for previously, and we have anxiously been waiting for them to arrive. Before I could open the packages, they were already choosing which color they would get and planning where they were going to sit around the room when using them.
My class started using the carpet pads during our "Daily 5" center time the first day we opened them. They spread out around the room with their reading books and writing notebooks in hand and their chosen carpet square ready to go to work.
The change in their behavior and willingness to work the entire time has changed, even on day one of using these pads. I am excited to see the difference just a piece of carpet can make in my students' attention span and willingness to work on a daily basis.
Thank you for your generosity in helping my class receive the needed supplies to help in their center work time. I appreciate your donation to help my class.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo & the Eccles Foundation and 2 other donors.