Past projects 3
Learning While Listening
Funded May 15, 2021The new headphones that we received because of your gracious donations have really made an impact in our classroom. We are now able to keep our headphones in one center and not have to change them each time we switch to a new center. This has allowed us to gain back classroom learning time and collaboration time with our peers.
The areas in our classroom where these headphones are utilized most are the listening center, iPad center, and Chromebook center. We can also use them at Technology time if we don't have our own headphones or ours have broken.
Before we received these headphones, we would have to change our headphones and our teacher would have to help us with unplugging and plugging. Now, our teacher can stay at her center, have more time with each group of children, and it allows us to work on our independence!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Solander
Moving + Learning = Success
Funded Nov 27, 2020Thank you so much for your generosity! My students were so excited to receive the amazing wobble and bounce chairs - they couldn't wait to try them out and have enjoyed them ever since!
I have seen amazing improvement in our classroom focus during learning time. My students are able to get their wiggles out while they work - this helps them concentrate while working and allows for less interruptions. It has also allowed for better understanding of differences. All of my students are so willing to share and trade chairs depending on which chair their friend prefers. It is so awesome to see them being so supportive, understanding, and caring.
I am so excited that these chairs will continue to positively impact my students for years to come! I am so grateful for your support!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Solander
Technology In the Classroom
Funded Oct 22, 2013Wow! Thank you so much for donating to our classroom. Your donation made it possible for us to receive an iPad, that we use weekly, in our classroom.
We mostly use the iPad during center time. Center time is when the students break up into smaller groups and complete 4-6 smaller assignments independently or with the teacher leading that center. Having the new iPad, along with one provided by the school, the students are able to share the iPads and practice the materials that we have been working on. During the morning we do English centers and having iPads allow us to do applications that practice letter formation, sounding out words, reading sight words, etc... During the afternoon we do math centers. Having iPads makes it possible to do applications that practice number formation, addition, subtraction, patterning, etc... It allows for center time to be even more fun for the students and allows for a center that is independent and supplements the material being taught!
I am also able to use the iPad, along with a computer software called AirServer, to project any worksheet onto the wipe board for the whole class to see. This allows me to teach my students with the exact worksheet they are going to work on and show actual examples on that page. It allows for my teaching to be more realistic and for the students to see exactly what is expected of them.
The iPad has created a new environment in my classroom. The students are able to keep up with technology standards, have new and fun ways to practice material, and helps me teach my students in a more realistic and exciting way. The students ask me every day if we are using the iPads and it makes me feel so grateful and excited when I can tell them; "yes, today we are!" So, THANK YOU for your generous donation!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Solander