Past projects 4
Caution: Moving Learners!
Funded Oct 4, 2022First and foremost, Thank you for donating to our kindergarten classroom! I was full of excitement when the packages arrived and my aide and I stayed after school that day to put the furniture together to surprise the students the next morning. When they walked in, they immediately noticed the new classroom seating options and materials that would make working where they chose easier. Squeals and screams of excitement could be heard coming from our room!
Currently, the students are still loving the new items. It gives them plenty of choices to work and interact with their friends. As you can see from the pictures, the students (regardless of seating) are still engaged and working. Now, its in a way that meets their needs and gives them the freedom to choose and take ownership of their learning and role in our classroom.
I've always been a traditional teacher who had desks and specific places and areas designated for different learning tasks. However, after attending a training over the summer on flexible seating, I was eager to try it. It was the challenge I needed to refresh my teaching and provided the accommodations the students needed to meet their ever-changing way of learning. Thank you for helping me make this possible. Please know that people like you, who support students, education, and teachers, are what keeps us going in this field!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Markley
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 11 other donors.Hatching Chickens!
Funded May 22, 2021When I first saw that people had given to my project, I was so grateful for the support being shown to my students' education. Hatching chickens had always been a learning goal I wanted to achieve with my kindergarten class and the incubator and life cycle eggs make that possible for years to come! The day my materials arrived my students were so excited!! The school year was ending but I promised they could come back for years to come to watch the chickens grow and hatch. I've already shared the excitement with my new students this year and they can't wait to experience hatching chickens in our room. What a fantastic way to learn!! We will get fertilized eggs from a local farmer, place them in the incubator, and each day open an egg to see how the chicks are growing and changing. Then between days 21-28, we will wait in anticipation as the chick's hatch!!
I can't say Thank you enough to the donors that made this possible. Because of people like you, my students will create memories while learning. Thank you for helping me create smiles and amazing school experiences!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Markley
Child-Centered Play: The Forgotten Curriculum
Funded Feb 1, 2014I wish you could have all been present the day the materials arrived in our classroom. You could feel the joy and excitement radiating off of 23 six year olds. I had the packages unwrapped and put together when the children entered the classroom after breakfast and I instantly heard phrases like "Oh, Wow!", "This is so neat!", and "Look at this!". These exclamations were immediately followed by the ever important question "Can we play with them now?" Of course, the answer was yes. This is a moment in my teaching career that I will never forget. It was beyond heartwarming.
The materials have been used almost daily through either recess or with free play during small group center time. Every student in the room has had an opportunity to engage both independently and cooperatively with the resources. When playing with the dollhouse and family set, students often create scenarios that involve role playing and problem solving. The tub of animals provides examples of the different species we have discussed in class (dinosaurs, eagles, reptiles, etc.). They also love to sort the animals by shape, color, size, and animal family. The train set has encouraged students to work together to create masterpieces! They love rearranging the tracks and using the props as decorations for their make-believe towns. The grocery center cash register has allowed students to practice money skills, discuss the food pyramid, and interact with each other in varying imaginative roles.
The fulfillment of this project provided me with a renewed sense of motivation and hope in relation to teaching and my classroom. Your kindness showed me once again that people are supportive of our nation's educators and our children. Thank you for allowing me to feel that. This project also allowed my children to have a variety of different outlets to develop their creativity and imagination independently and with their peers. These resources are fun, engaging, and promote positive social and emotional development. I feel my classroom has grown as a community and in fact, we are more like a family now.
This has been a gratifying experience that I'm so thankful for. Thank you does not seem sufficient. I hope you know the impact you have made.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Markley
Capturing Student Learning
Funded Jan 15, 2011How can I even begin to express my gratitude for your help in making sure our project was funded? Words can't explain how much I appreciate your kindness and your belief in education. You have renewed my hope in the teaching career and helped to show my students that people around the world believe in them and their learning endeavors. The digital cameras have had a huge impact on our classroom instruction. We have used them to take pictures of different geometrical figures (lines, angles, shapes) and to enhance our PowerPoint presentations on animals and their habitats. My third grade students smile from ear to ear when they see them sitting out. It truly does get them excited about their learning adventures. These are priceless moments that you have helped to create and for that, I am grateful.
We live in a rural community that is very strong in support but very weak in monetary funds. Your generosity in helping to provide these technology tools support my students in becoming one step closer to the 21st century global learning opportunities they deserve. These cameras will have lasting benefits in that they can be used for years to come and with many students.
My only regret is that I wish I could have had a camera to 'capture' each of their faces when the digital cameras arrived in the classroom. Their expressions were filled with enthusiasm and thankfulness (almost as much as they are each time we use them). It is caring and generous donors like you that help to truly make a difference in the lives of our children and our future. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Markley