Past projects 1
What About Me...I'm Worth It!
Funded Oct 31, 2018This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron Fuel Your School.
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Who would've thought that we would be considering starting the school year in nearly the way we ended, due to COVID-19. When our schools closed in March, it was difficult teaching my special education students in a virtual setting, especially since many of them did not have computers at home. In trying to prepare for this upcoming school year, I'm deeply concerned about my students not having access to the necessary technology in order to engage in their learning in Google Classroom and Zoom since hybrid/virtual learning is being made available as alternative means of instruction. For my students to have the best opportunity to receive instruction and support that will enable them to achieve their IEP academic goals, my classroom is in need of 11 iPads, which will allow my students to access the educational programs necessary for daily learning. Whatever assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.