Past projects 23
Readers Today, Leaders Tomorrow!
Funded Oct 7, 2024I am so thrilled that thanks to your generosity and support, we have fully funded our classroom project! My students will be so excited to have an accessible library we can adapt to meet their needs. The paired sensory reading buddies will make the learning that much more fun. I feel honored and grateful for all of your support and I am looking forward to what comes next!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 7 other donors.Touch And Feel - Read To Succeed!
Funded Oct 28, 2022Thank you so much for your incredible generosity! I am so excited to introduce these books into my classroom. I am sure they will be a huge success and help all my students learn and grow. Thank you for being a part of fostering their love for learning and hopefully a lifelong passion for literacy!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
Innovation In Education
Funded May 20, 2021Thank you so much for your generosity and support of my classroom, especially during such a chaotic and unpredictable year. I am so glad to have the resources we need to keep their school experience educational and fun! It matters so much to me to see donors like yourselves step up to support a classroom of students with special needs :)”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
This classroom project was brought to life by News Corp and 6 other donors.Distance Liquid Learning Pads
Funded Oct 21, 2020These distance learning pads have been so much fun for my class, and they are so versatile! We are able to use them indoors for circle time and to create opportunities for social distancing, and transition them outside to make obstacle courses and fun outdoor learning opportunities.
The students can step, skip or hop on them and suddenly they are entranced with moving colors. We can talk about light, color, texture and movement. They have made such a wonderful addition to our classroom and my students were so excited when they arrived. We are so lucky to have donors like you support our classroom during these tumultuous times.
These learning pads made retuning to in-person instruction so great and the students were fascinated. Sometimes I am surprised by how wide their eyes get with awe when they are able to experience something new like this. Thank you again for your generosity and support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
We Learn Here, We Learn There, We Can Learn Anywhere!
Funded Oct 10, 2020Our classroom environment looks mighty different this year, but that doesn't mean we can't have an entirely successful learning experience. We have transitioned to a hybrid learning model, so students are able to learn certain skills while they participate in in-person learning, and then take home materials to reinforce these skills.
The fidgets have been a wonder in getting students to stay more focused during Zoom lessons and after they use them at home we always give reminders to go wash their hands, so they can bring this practice back to school.
They LOVE the giant dice. They love to throw them, roll them and then count the number of dots they see. It is so great to see them engaged with their learning and having fun, even during these tumultuous times. We are all so grateful for your generosity and the support you have shown our classroom. Many virtual hugs to all who have supported this project!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
Tiles and Tools and Toys - Oh My!
Funded Jul 14, 2020I cannot express my gratitude enough for the funding of this project. My students were so excited. They absolutely love the Magna tiles and become so engaged with building anything they can imagine out of them. We have the opportunity to talk about concepts such as big and little, fast or slow. Additionally, we are able to use the tiles to practice counting, shape identification, color recognition and more. They have been an incredible resource for us!
Some of the other materials we are able to use to allow increased opportunities for movement and increased movement. Using beanbags that are number or have phonetic clues allow students to work on their fine motor, gross motor, coordination skills and more! They also get to focus on the learning cues on the beanbags, engaging their minds in a multi-media approach to learning. Being able to provide these students with materials they might not have had access to at home increases family engagement and participation and allows student to be more engaged on screen.
I am so overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for my students during these challenging times. I feel your passion to see our students succeed, which only fuels my passion further. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
It's Story Time!
Funded Jun 15, 2020This project has been so indcredible for my students. I am able to read them versions of the stories, and then use the adaptable pieces to work on re-telling the story with the story kits. They were so excited for The Very Hungry Caterpillar and I saw so much growth with language development as they discussed the different types of food he ate. Rainbow fish was perfect because we could talk about sharing, kindness and compassion.
One of the things I love most about these kits are that for the emergent readers we can talk about vocabulary, colors and even habitats! For my older students we are able to truly go through the stories and they are beginning to understand concepts such as theme and main idea.
I am so grateful to have these items to share with my students. My students become so engaged and participation increases It's so wonderful to watch their faces light up every time I introduce a new story and they love being able to practice putting the manipulatives on our story telling boards with me. Thank you for making this experience possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
Music Matters!
Funded May 28, 2019I can describe how much impact this project has had on my classroom community in exactly three words: Friday Dance Parties. It has been so much fun incorporating these materials into my classroom! The kids so enjoy all of their musical instruments and it is such a wonderful bonding experience for them and for the staff in general.
When we are working on skip counting my students will grab a drum and count out "5, 10, 15.." all while using musical rhythm to keep them focused. They play instruments while they count, practice sight words and more! I had no idea how beneficial adding musical learning to my classroom would be until now.
To make it even better we now get to have our Friday Dance Parties with as many students as we can to join us at the end of the week for a little celebration. Thank you so much for making this fun style of learning a possibility for my classroom. Dolce!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
Making Marvelous Math Magicians
Funded Apr 13, 2019Thank you so much for your generosity! Math time has become everyone's favorite time of day. My students love getting out these kits and materials to make math hands on and fun for everyone. The materials are so accessible and I am easily able to make accommodations or modifications so I can help make students of every ability level feel successful.
I feel so grateful when I get to share with my students where these materials come from. I am able to let them know that there are people from all over who love and support them, people who feel as passionate about their learning as I do.
One of the best things about getting this project funded is the amount of inclusion we have been able to inspire. I have students from different grade levels volunteering to come into my classroom to work with the students as their "teachers". This project has not only impacted my classroom, but has extended to our entire school community! My students and I are all so lucky to have supporters such as yourselves.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
Finding Our Space
Funded Apr 25, 2019I love how much flexible seating has impacted our classroom! It creates such fun work space where everyone can learn at their level. We can work on the floor, on stools or wobble chairs and now curl up onto our jumbo bean bags during reading lessons or story time with the class. For one student with gross motor needs, getting herself on and off of the bean bag is improving her strength so much she is walking independently without her walker. I couldn't believe it and her parents were thrilled! The bean bag is her favorite place to work and she is so proud of the new abilities utilizing that work space has made possible for her. We can work on all of her academics in that flexible space and the flexibility of it encourages to work even harder. All of the students love taking their turns to work in our flexible classroom, made possible by donors like yourselves. Thank you for supporting our classroom and school community.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schwoerke
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 5 other donors.