Past projects 5
They Don't Want to Stop Reading
Funded Mar 30, 2023I am so grateful for your support! My students will be ecstatic when our books arrive! Thank you for investing in my class and my students! I am hopeful that these books will give my students motivation to keep reading throughout the summer! Thank you so much for the gift of reading.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sahm
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 6 other donors.More Snacks for Scholars
Funded Feb 10, 2019I can't thank you enough for supplying daily snacks for my class. We now have enough snacks to last until the end of the year. My kids looks forward to our daily snack time. They get to enjoy these snacks while they do independent reading. They are also good in a pinch when someone didn't eat breakfast in the morning and begins to get hangry. The snacks add a little more security and routine to our day. This is very helpful for my kids, who don't always have security and routine at home. We really appreciate your support! Thanks for supporting our success.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sahm
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga and 6 other donors.Play to Learn and Learn to Play
Funded Nov 21, 2018We love our new supplies. The kids were so excited to open up the boxes and find out what equipment we had received. There were big smiles all around. When they actually got to play and create, the smiles grew even larger. I have gotten to learn more about some of my shy students who love Lego's and will tell me all about what they make. They are so creative and smart!
When we go outside for recess, students line up right away to jump rope with our big purple rope. It might be the most simple item we requested, but it has brought the most joy, laughter, and rhymes. The soccer balls and nets have also been a big hit.
Thank you so much for supporting our class and encouraging our curiosity and creativity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sahm
Snacks for Scholars
Funded Sep 9, 2018I can't thank you enough for your generous gifts that have provided snacks for us everyday. Snack time is now built into our day. My students grab a snack and enjoy it while doing their independent reading everyday. It is especially important on days when we come to school late, because breakfast isn't we start our day with a snack and get to work.
The kids were so excited to see boxes and boxes of snacks as they started to be delivered. Because of your generosity we were able to get a variety of snacks so each time we open a new type of snack the kids are excited all over again.
I've learned their top favorite snacks are Cheeze-Its and SlimJims, but they have honestly enjoyed them all. Because your donations made daily snacks possible, my class parents have also started to contribute. At least once a week now someone will bring in snacks for the entire class. If this continues we will have enough to last the entire year. Thanks for being a blessing to us!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sahm
Flexible Seating Paradise
Funded Nov 30, 2017My students are so excited to have many new seating choices for our class. They are all eager to use them and do use them every chance they get. Amazingly they share them quite well and let everyone have a chance to use them. It's hard to say what is their favorite. They love the lap desks. The have little side compartments where the kids love putting their pencils boxes and extra stuff while they work in the floor. The stools are great for when they are moving between stations. The stool set up taller than I expected, but that is the kids' favorite part, sitting up higher than everyone else. We mapped out everyone's turn in the VIP desk on a class calendar so everyone knows when it is there week. They love having their own personal desk and swivel chair for the week. The squishy seats and balls are always in use. They really help some of my kids stay in one spot to do their work.
We have a unit of study coming up about force and motion and I'm excited to see how we can use some of our new furniture to learn about push, pulls, and inertia. We also have some research projects in the near future and being able to move around when needed helps them stay on task so much longer.
Thank you so much for investing in my class and my kiddos. We both really appreciate your generosity .”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sahm