Past projects 2
Storage Drawers for Organized Students!
Funded Jun 21, 2019My students and I are using the new rolling storage drawers in our classroom. We have a drawer for each grade level. I teach Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students. For the particular pictures that we took, my 1st graders are getting out their math supplies. These drawers are so helpful for organizing all our materials. We have our glue stick, eraser, sticky notes, markers, scissors, and pencils on the top. Each drawer has different materials. The top drawer houses their base ten math maniupulatives, the second drawer has their blue math student books, the next drawer is for my 2nd graders, and the last drawer includes their yellow math journals where they take notes.
When the storage drawers came, my students were so excited! They got to tell me where they wanted to put all the materials and what would make the most sense for storing certain manipulatives. Each afternoon, one student will roll out the drawer to our math table, and one-by-one, students will take on a "job." These jobs include passing out the various materials such as pencils, blue student workbooks, yellow math journals, base ten pieces, erasers, and anything else that is needed for math time.
Having these rolling storage drawers is so important for my classroom this year. Because I work with students from grades K, 1, 2, and 3, we need rolling carts that are specific to each grade level. The other three rolling drawers are used for my reading intervention and extension groups. We store our writing journals, leveled readers, decodable books, and sight words for each grade level in the other drawers that we received. Students are so excited to roll out the carts and grab their materials to be ready for each day. It definitely helps our classroom stay organzied! Storage drawers for organized student was the purpose of this project, and these rolling storage drawers have done just that: keep the students organized!
Thank you so much for your generosity in donating to our classroom project. You have definitely made a world of difference for these students to help our classroom run smoothly.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brock
This classroom project was brought to life by and 4 other donors.Maximizing The Use Of Technology With Mice And Headphones!
Funded Dec 17, 2018My students were so excited to open the packages of headphones and mice when they arrived in our classroom a few months ago. Since then, we have found a great system for organizing the headphones and mice into a "shoe organizer" that is numbered for each student in my classroom. We received 25 headphones and 30 mice. These technology resources are extremely helpful as we move forward with all the projects we have in class.
Because I am part of a digital immersion initiative program that brings 1:1 Chromebooks for students in my classroom, we had the Chromebook resources but we needed mice and headphones. Not all students are able to maximize the use of our technology by buying their own headphones and mice. With your generous donation to our project, every student (no matter his or her socioeconomic status or ability needs) is able to hear the interactive games that I assign for their language arts curriculum as well as use mice when the touchpad tires out their little fingers for math and keyboarding online for extra typing practice. My students are able to complete research projects and add sound to their Google Docs and Google Slides presentations.
What is most exciting to my students about the headphones and mice is that not only can headphones be used to hear the sound that is playing on their Chromebooks, but students can also cancel out the white noise that they hear in our classroom. Some students are especially sensitive to the ventilation system in our new building and other students just like the peace and quiet they receive while putting on the headphones, and your generosity is what made this all come to fruition. In fact, for our state testing, my students all felt so prepared because they acquired technology tools that they haven't always had access to in the past. Student had to buy their own headphones to listen to a listening comprehension test, and they also had to buy their own mice. Because of the success of this project and all your donations, all my future classes will benefit including this first group!
We are so thankful and ecstatic about these new technology tools that allow us to maximize my students' learning. Thank you so much for contributing to our classroom! We are forever grateful.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brock