Past projects 3
Printer and Laminator
Funded Sep 2, 2019Wow!! What a great way to start the school year with new supplies to ensure we have a great year! Thank you for your generous gifts to my students and for their future! We will use these gifts to the fullest if it possibilities! Thank you again from the bottoms of our hearts”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Parra
Water, Water Everywhere!
Funded Dec 6, 2016My students and I would like to thank you for your generosity. We are very excited to start using our water bottle filling station once it's install in the cafeteria. We hope this will instill a better eating lifestyle that will promote drinking more water and less carbonated beverages. Our PTA has purchased school water bottles to promote the usage of this new station. We are looking forward to receiving this wonderful gift. We hope you have an amazing holiday season and a happy new year.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Parra
This classroom project was brought to life by Tom's of Maine and 8 other donors.Musical instruments For My First Music Classroom
Funded Nov 7, 2009The instruments in my classroom have opened doors for my students that they have never had before. My students faces brighten so much when they enter the room and see the instruments laid out on the carpet. I hear whispers "YES!! We are going to drum today", "Boomtubes are out". It makes me happy to know they are excited about learning music. Some of my kindergarten students are beginning to read simple notation.
This has also effected me as teacher, I am excited to come and teach on an instrument day. It brings me such joy to know my students are enjoying music while learning. It also has helped many students who have some motor skills difficulties. The instruments have changed things more than I ever expected to do so.
I want to thank you again for all your support and generous donation to my music classroom and more important to my students, who I know truly appreciate and have learned a true life lesson of giving to others.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Parra