Math Investigations Using Ti-nspire Cx Cas

Funded Aug 24, 2014

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your generous donations have given my classes the opportunity to see math in many different ways, and share math fostering continuous discussions to promote real understanding. With your donations, I was able to purchase several TI-Nspire CX CAS calculators, a Lumens Document Projector and TI-Nspire ten slot charger.

My students are more engaged when I use the document projector to present their work, use for whole class discussion, and print out notes from those engaging discussions. This document projector allows for real time learning. I project worksheets or text onto the smart board that students are working on and underline/highlight important text, show step by step math process and print out notes for those students who require classwork notes. This tool allows me to more thoroughly fulfill the requirements of Independent Education Plans and 504 requirements and have a greater impact on students that need the extra accommodations to be successful learners. I can record an audio/video of student work/process and post to the class web site. The document camera is used continuously in all classes and students take part by sitting in the "teacher" chair demonstrating for their peers, engaging the entire class.

I now have thirteen calculators I can share with middle school teachers of both math and science curriculum's as well as the high school math teachers. These tools give the students the opportunity to discover math in engaging activities representing real life situations. With your donation, I purchased 6 more TI-Nspire CX CAS calculators to complete a set so I have one calculator for each pair of students. The TI-Nspire CX CAS calculators have a powerful Computer Algebra System that enables a deeper understanding of abstract concepts in math and science subjects and the charger charges ten calculators at a time from one outlet. My students are more enthusiastic about learning math concepts while using the TI-Nspire CX CAS. The calculators allow students to see specific patterns in data, algebraic answers, graphs, tables, equations, expressions and more. These calculators allow students to create math in various forms allowing students to derive patterns on their own. Many of the lessons I used target the literacy standards making students reason, discuss and work to understand the mathematical language in directions, descriptions and write using technical language.

Learning math in my classes is full of thoughtful discussions, sharing and discovery. Students see math work in various ways encouraging understanding and perseverance. I have the ability to show all calculations, and concepts in a focused and non-distracting manner. Students are more willing to collaborate, verbalize and write about the math they are learning.

Thank you very much for caring. I have a wonderful engaging and better working environment of learners due to your generosity.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Legge