Past projects 17
Engaging Phonics
Funded Feb 26, 2024First, thank you so much for your support to this project! When the boards came in, students were thrilled and eager to use them!
Students have been excited to use the boards to practice their phonics. We use them when practicing our phonic sounds and words! It does allow for students to have quick access to getting started and we are not spending so much time looking for materials. In the coming weeks, students will spend time continuing to practice with the boards, but we will begin to use them for other subjects! It will provide more engagement for students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
Observing Close Up
Funded Aug 25, 2023First, thank you so much for your donations to make this project possible for my first grade class.
Students were excited when they arrived and they were able to use them to see things close up. They grabbed things from around the classroom or from recess, just to see the objects texture close up. They enjoyed seeing what their classmates grabbed too. Soon, students will use the microscopes to complete a "germ growing" project. Students will make a petridish and watch and document as the germs grow over time.
Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by The SONIC Foundation and 8 other donors.Flexible Seating and Decor
Funded Aug 19, 2022First, I wanted to say thank you for your donation to make this possible. The flexible seating is used throughout the classroom. Students use the scoop chairs while reading quietly and use the circular cushions during listening station.
When the materials arrived, students were thrilled about the new things in the classroom. They could not wait to use them.
Currently, students use the scoop chairs now when they are testing. It allows for those who need extra movement to move and focus better on their test.
Thank you again for your support to my project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In at 2162 Nw 39th Avenue and 3 other donors.Drawing a Break
Funded May 5, 2020Thank you so much everyone for making this possible! I am excited to have an opportunity to provide my students a break from current surroundings! It is important to their mental health to give them this. It is also important to allow them to be creative and learn something new! I can not wait to let my parents know, so they can pass along the AWESOME news!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 7 other donors.Supporting Math
Funded Dec 4, 2019Thank you for your support with this project! We were only able to use the kits for our shape unit this year, due to current circumstances. I was happy I was able to exposed the students to the kits then.
The kits provided each student their own supplies, allowed for quick passing out and for me to have more class time.
The games, were great! We currently have the reading ones similar, so they were excited when the math ones came. They had fun working together solving problems and learning new games.
Thank you once again for your support with this project and I hope you will continue with other projects in the future.
Stay safe.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 3 other donors.Building Positive Characters
Funded Sep 18, 2019Thank you again for your support with "Building Positive Character" project. Already this year, we have taken a couple weeks to cover different positive characters attributes and how to be one within the classroom and to other students.
One of the most important concepts we focused on was "kindness". How to talk to each other, how to show kindness to each other in other ways other than just words and how to show kindness outside the classroom. I read aloud "Be Polite and Kind", then created an anchor chart where every student gave an example of a way someone was able to be kind. I was very excited with some of the responses they provided! "Helping someone when they fall." "Making sure someone it okay if they fall." "Helping a classmate." "Giving someone a smile" and more. Then students completed a cut and paste activity sorting if an image was either kind or unkind.
I can not wait to do more character activities when we return from holiday break! I am excited to see the growth of the children throughout the year!
Thank you again for your support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
Rotate with Reading
Funded Feb 21, 2019Thank you so much for the helping us reach our goal this year in receiving additional rotation activities. As a class, we have used these activities in multiple ways, mostly in our reading rotations. Our paraprofessional and myself will each each activities and work with groups of students to reinforce or introduce materials which are important in the classroom.
When the class first saw the materials, they were excited! They already had the background of some of the activities and they were excited to have the chance to have even more! They love to pick out which one their group is going to work on when they are with the paraprofessional.
Well, with it the end of the year! I can not wait for the group next year and their experience with the materials! It is important to have children engaged in different ways and Lakeshore materials does a great way of doing this.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
STEM in the Class
Funded Aug 20, 2018Thank you for your support with making out STEM project possible for our classroom. I have enjoyed allowing the students experiment with using a kits in smaller groups. In these groups, students were allowed to use the kits to see how magnets work first hand or how motion makes things move. It allowed for questions to come up and working through how it works. For example, one of the motions cards was to move the ball without your hands. They were confused, once we were discussing how to use our breath to move things.
When we first received the package, the students were excited! New things and it was awesome they were able to build their own boats and experiment with them (at home) seeing them floating in the water.
Thank you once again for your support and I hope you will support future projects for our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by Craig Newmark Philanthropies and 4 other donors.Reaching more on Tablets
Funded Jul 4, 2018Thank you for your donation to make "Reaching More on Tablets" successful! With these 5 Kindle Fires, students have been able to research a chosen community helpers for their individual projects. Each student picked a community helper and now they are looking up information on them to see how they help in the community. Also, the tablets have provided an additional resource during our reading rotation. Students are able to access education apps loaded into the Kindle Freetime (students are logged on and are not able to exit without a passcode) and I am not having to worry about they access and buying things.
I am excited for seeing students engaged and learning in different ways. Most of them have tablets at home, but I love seeing them working on it for certain purposes and researching. Also, allowing those who may not have tablets at home giving them the experience of using a tablet.
ALL of my students love the tablets! They know how to work them and this allows myself to have more time working with my small group.
Thank you once again and hope you will help out again soon!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 6 other donors.Let's Build Comprehension Skills
Funded Mar 22, 2018Thank you again for your support with our comprehension games. The class has had so much fun with these games during rotations! They are excited daily to begin. Even our Foster Grandmother and Paraprofessional enjoy pulling groups to play these games! We use these games daily in our reading rotations after our whole group reading.
When we first received the package, the class was excited to add to our "collection" of games to use during rotations. I plan to continue using these games throughout the years I teach. We have taught our children to respect the materials this way other can use it later.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harper