Past projects 7
Distance Demos
Funded Mar 17, 2021Your generosity helped me navigate the very challenging teaching period during the pandemic.
The technology provided through this project allowed me to seamlessly continue providing lessons for college-level courses such as AP Economics, Accounting, and Personal Finance. The web/document camera was key to "I do/We do/You Do" demonstrations. The monitor and headphone set have become standard for my classroom and delivery of content to my students. Being able to have two different screens is a game changer!
Thank you for being willing to believe in our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
Keeping It Clean
Funded Aug 15, 2020I am beyond grateful for your contribution to our classroom. COVID-19 has brought additional challenges to all of us, but our students have been incredibly impacted by comprehensive distance learning. Many of our career technical courses are hands-on, activity-based learning which looks different this year.
My students have yet to be in the classroom but are resilient and doing amazing work in their adapted learning environments. The cleaning supplies and laminating materials will be greatly appreciated when they return. The ability to have manipulatives we are able to clean and safely reuse is a relief to me and our learners. For example, students will be creating mutual funds and analyzing accounting transactions to reinforce learning concepts. It is always so much fun to see the moment of realization!
Again, thank you so much for thinking of our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
This classroom project was brought to life by Charles Schwab Foundation and 4 other donors.Personal Finance Choices with Games
Funded Aug 13, 2019Words alone cannot express my gratitude for your generosity. The games and supplies have provided my students opportunities to learn and make mistakes without damaging their future...and they are having fun! Curiosity and questions happen every time we have game day (mostly Fridays...students have come to call this FriYay!!).
When the games first arrived they wanted to play them immediately, but we had to wait a couple of weeks to get our routine going, but FriYays are in full implementation.
The big project of selecting a career and mapping out the future is highly anticipated...they cannot wait!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 2 other donors.Family Financial Management
Funded May 27, 2019When reading the first two chapters of the Financial Diaries, students were overwhelmed that others had or are experiencing similar situations to their own. I feel as if it was a relief to them having to not feel alone. The Unbanking of America has been an eye opener for many of them, but, hopefully, providing examples of what not to do when making spending, saving, and credit choices.
My students were excited to have these materials available to them. Having good quality binders, pencils, and erasers have been very useful to them and their productivity in class.
The project, Life in the United States, will be a semester-long project providing many learning opportunities for my students. So many a-ha moments for them. Thank you for being a part of my classroom and the meaningful projects I have planned.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
It's Time to Get to Work!
Funded Jun 11, 2018My students were so excited to see all of the materials this project had in it! Every single item is used in our classroom in some way, whether it is to put a project together with supplies--envelopes, parchment paper, sticky notes, or index cards, or storing all of the calculators and headphones.
While playing Act Your Wage, many students are applying their new skills and knowledge, and it is evidenced by the decisions they are making while playing the game. How fun is that for an educator? To overhear the conversations with technical vocabulary and active decision making is what every teacher strives for on any given day.
Thank you for your support with our materials and games. These resources are greatly appreciated by my students and myself.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
Financial Friday Resources with Games and Books
Funded May 10, 2018The definition of a book is, "a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers." However, the book, Loaded, in this project is so much more than glue and is an inside look at how our personal history and choices impacts how we manage or mismanage our money. The book offers exercises (Self-Assessments, Interventions, and Exercises) for readers in my classes at all levels to use for notes and guidance. My students have appreciated the Self-Assessments to determine their core beliefs pertaining to money, as well as Behavior Identification, and their Impulse scale.
Having these games and books are refreshing tools in my classroom have offered extended learning opportunities for my students. The games have allowed my students to apply their learning in a very fun ways.
Overall, the project has provided my students with resources for self-reflection and discovery, as well as fun ways to hear other people's stories through books. Thank you so much for supporting our project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running
Interview Center
Funded Apr 8, 2018We are so thankful for your generosity! Do you remember having to create a one-minute elevator speech for the very popular interview question, "Tell me about yourself." This is exactly one of the activities students are working on with the new Interview Center you helped us to obtain. Other interview segments have included "Where do you want to be in five years?," "Why should I choose you over other applicants?" The Interview Center has been a great feedback opportunity for these students...being able to record, playback, and make changes has been incredibly beneficial to their interview skills.
My students' reactions were priceless (they loved the boxes the chairs were delivered in!). They were excited to have a new learning tool to help with their interviewing and soft skills in obtaining a real-world job. The students love the appearance of The Interview Center. The chairs and tables provide a pleasing environment in which to practice these skills and greatly compliment their main learning environment (my classroom).
Next steps for my students will be to record a complete interview, playback, and make adjustments prior to taking their interview show on the road. They are very excited to be able have this prior experience beforehand. Thank you for making this happen.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Running