Funded Aug 13, 2019Thank you so much for your support in our sewing adventure. I cannot tell you how much my students have loved this Ugly Doll project. Parents, teachers, and students alike have told me how much they love this project. Everyday, when I stand outside of my classroom in the mornings, I have at least one student tell me how excited they are to work on their ugly doll.
At first, my third grade students were apprehensive about sewing. I heard a lot of, "You mean we're really going to sew?" "We're using real needles?" "We get to use the hot glue gun?" They were surprised that they were allowed to use such "big kid" tools. Many of them weren't confident in their potential as well. We broke the project down into manageable pieces. We began by designing our ugly doll. Then we had to cut our patterns and fabric. Afterwards, we practiced running stitch sewing and tying knots. This was slow moving, and many students worked extremely hard to master these simple sewing techniques. They were determined to create an ugly doll. Finally, we hot glued details, sewed our pattern, and stuffed our dolls with batting. For some it was not easy, but they were diligent. I am extremely proud of their dedication and hard work.
Again, thank you for your contribution. You have helped create and sustain excitement, dedication, and determination in my art room.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jenkins