Funded Sep 18, 2018Audubon's special education staff thanks you for your generous donation. We are so grateful to have the motivational tools to support communication and learning for our students.
As mentioned before, many of our students have significant communication needs. These students are working on simply engaging in an activity, requesting, and making choices between two exciting objects. Our students have been able to learn and increase their communication skills with the sensory and musical toys that you helped to provide!
One student, in particular, is so excited when he is provided the opportunity to play with the sensory toys. His goal is to engage in an activity, and use a switch (like a button) to request "more." We've seen an increase in participation and communication since providing these toys as an option.
Another student benefits from the squishy balls. He has a hard time regulating his emotions and the squishy balls help him to calm when he is upset or overly excited.
Other students have greatly benefited from the musical instruments! Music can bring such joy to a student's life. When asking a student to communicate (something that is very difficult for them), it has been so beneficial for them to be encouraged by music. They truly love coming to speech therapy now! Thank you for your support!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Folco