Past projects 17
Help Us Learn in Color!
Funded Sep 20, 2022I cannot thank you enough for making this project a reality for my class and I. This printer has truly been a game changer in multiple ways.
When I assigned a comic writing activity to students they loved it so much that some of them wanted to write more to add a second page or even write an additional comic. I was able to quickly make more copies of the comic strip template right there in the classroom. This was great because they were able to keep going with their creativity without delay and the possibility of losing interest while waiting for the next day for me to be able to go to the school copier.
From time to time we unexpectedly get new students joining the class. When this happened most recently I was able to make the extra copies needed for my new student to have everything needed to participate in the day's tasks. This was such a great help towards keeping the day running smoothly and I never would have been able to have this done so quickly without this printer.
Finally, having this printer has been so invaluable to print visual aids in color. My students rely a lot on visual materials such as pictures, charts, and maps, and being able to print them in color has been amazing. I really cannot say enough about how wonderful it is to have this printer in my classroom, so again I say thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 7 other donors.Resources to Practice English
Funded Jan 26, 2022First I want to say thank you again for your generosity. You could have spent your money on anything and you chose to support my students and my classroom, and for that I am extremely grateful.
My students love the resources. They were so excited to see the story sequence cards because they have pictures that allow them to put story events in order with visual cues. After putting the events in order we are able to practice using English to describe what is happening in each picture.
The positional words activity box has also been a great resource because many of my students struggle to understand these words. This activity box is a fun way for them to practice phrases such as "The bear is in the box" and "The duck is under the bridge". They also enjoy the syllable sorting activity because it is a fun way for students to practice counting syllables in words, which is a very important Reading skill.
Finally, the letter tub organizer has really helped me to organize the letter tubs that I have and use for letting students practice identifying items that begin with the various letters.
We truly appreciate your considerate donation to our project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 3 other donors.Hands-On Learning at Home!
Funded Nov 13, 2020The day that I received these materials was so exciting! Looking at them I just knew they were going to be so helpful for my students. These magnetic letter and number kits are perfect for kindergartners practicing letter/sound correspondences, spelling words, and exploring the shapes of letters and numbers.
The day that my students saw and got to use the materials was even more exciting! The first day I just gave them time to explore all of the letters and numbers and create as they wished. They loved it! It was so great to see them manipulating the letters and even better to see how happy they were about it! It is awesome to have this engaging tool.
We received these materials at the perfect time. During this pandemic we are not allowed to share most materials so having individual letter and number kits for each student has been such a blessing and a lifesaver. I can keep each student's materials separate from each other so there is no contamination.
I can see these letters and numbers being useful to students for many years to come and I continue to be extremely grateful for your generosity that made this happen for my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and 8 other donors.Books to Teach Love for All
Funded Jun 25, 2020Thank you again for your generosity and support of my project. This project allowed me to receive a variety of books that help teach about diversity and standing up for what is right. These books are all awesome additions to my classroom library.
It is so important to teach children about the beauty of diversity and the importance of being ourselves and accepting others for who they are. It is also so important to have discussions with children about standing up for what is right and being brave enough to do the right thing. These books allow me to engage my students in literature that covers these topics and allow us to spark conversations that I hope will stay with my students forever.
Unfortunately my school district has begun learning completely virtually so I cannot yet let my students explore these books on their own. However, I have been able to read many of the books to the students via zoom during our morning meetings and Reading lessons. The kids have enjoyed each one very much.
I appreciate your donation and your time.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by and 4 other donors.Help Me Cheer Up My Buttercups!
Funded May 20, 2020I cannot express enough how grateful that I am for your donations to this project. I was able to send my students some yummy snacks and some materials for home learning practice while under quarantine. My students already started using the dry erase boards and markers and many of them have started to enjoy the snacks. They were so excited to receive a new pack of fresh crayons and a coloring activity pad to use this summer. I received numerous emails from parents thanking me for sending them this surprise and many kids also thanked me over class zoom sessions. I didn't receive a lot of pictures but included the ones I did get in this thank you package. Just know that your donation put huge smiles on the faces of all of my students (and their parents) and I am passing on the appreciation that they expressed to me, to you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and 4 other donors.Keep Learning at Home
Funded Apr 17, 2020I am so extremely grateful for your generosity in donating to my project, Keep Learning at Home. We had our schools closed unexpectedly on March 13th due to COVID-19. Originally we were only supposed to close for two weeks but then soon after our governor chose to close all schools in the state for the remainder of the school year. We were in complete shock and we were all very sad to know that our year (at least in person) was having such an abrupt end.
I really wanted to be able to send my students a special surprise to lift them up and to give them materials to keep learning at home during the school closure and because of you, I was able to do that. Your donations to this project allowed me to send my students fun activity packs with their favorite characters, books, blank puzzles for them to be creative, playing cards, dice, and a special little stuffed animal. My students were absolutely thrilled to receive this surprise package. Many of my students' parents sent me videos and pictures of the students with their items and the smiles on my kids' faces were huge. The parents and the kids expressed their gratitude and excitement at getting these special packages in the mail.
Again I want to express my deepest appreciation to you and to let you know that I will always be grateful that you chose to donate to my project and help me put big smiles on my students' faces during this tough time.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
Reading Practice Fun for Everyone
Funded Sep 30, 2019From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for contributing to my classroom project. It means so much to my class and I that you helped us to receive these great materials. The students were so excited to see the new games and we could not wait to start exploring them.
Phonemic Awareness practice is crucial for my students and they love the Match a Sound Phonemic Awareness boxes as they get to use miniature objects to match words with the same beginning, middle, and ending sounds, as well as matching rhyming words. When I first showed them these games they thought it was so cool that they got to find the miniature items that correspond with the sounds they were searching for.
Likewise, my students love comparing, sorting, and matching objects with the Early Language Activity Boxes. Again they are engaged with the miniature objects in these games. These Early Language Activity Boxes are also great because they allow students to practice vocabulary and oral language skills and this practice is essential for my kindergartners, some of which are English Language Learners. We also love the new chart stands as they allow us to hold up poems and pocket charts, such as the All About Letters Pocket Chart, which we use to explore a letter a day.
Thank you again for allowing my students access to these great resources. I look forward to continuing to use them to engage my students in this essential learning!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and one other donor.Let's Get Started!
Funded Aug 14, 2019I want to humbly thank you all for your generosity in donating to my class' project, "Let's Get Started!" The materials provided to my class through this project have been very helpful as we got the school year started. My students love all of the great literature. The Invisible Boy and The Way I Act, as well as the character trait books were perfect for social-emotional learning for the first weeks of school. My students also love the stories of One and Hey, Little Ant.
I was able to use the cardstock, shape punches, and laminating pouches to create a pattern activity and other games for my students. I use the sentence strips for concept of word practice and I will also be able to use them for many other activities over the year. Each of these supplies will continue to be put to good use.
I am well aware that you could choose to spend your money on many different things so I will always be grateful that you decided to support my students and I.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 4 other donors.We Learn Through Games and Centers
Funded Mar 11, 2019I want to take the time to thank you all once again for your generosity in donating to our class project. We were so excited to have the project funded and even more excited when the materials arrived and we were able to start using them. The Phonological Awareness Learning Puzzles are a great way for us to practice essential reading skills of rhyming, and matching words with the same beginning, middle, and ending sounds. The self checking nature of these games allows my students to practice these skills independently or with a partner without me having to be there to check their work. My students love building sentence with the Magnetic Sight Word Sentences Board. These games have been great additions to our Reader's Workshop Centers.
Additionally, my students love creating with the Engineering Centers. These activities allow students to practice their building skills using the accompanying pictures as support. I look forward to using these even more as the weeks go on.
Your money could easily be spent on other things and we realize that. I just hope you realize how much we appreciate that you decided to put it towards new resources for our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
Don't Forget About Science!
Funded Aug 6, 2018Thank you again for your support of my classroom through this project. My students love using the science materials. The microscopes are a great addition to our science center and the students enjoy using them to look at things up close such as cotton, leaves, and water. The microscopes make the children feel more like the scientists that they can be!
My students also love the learning boxes. The Food and Nutrition Theme Box has many activities that allow the children to practice healthy food choices. The puzzles allow students to understand where different foods such as ice cream and peanut butter come from. Using the shopping basket activity students are able to act out the process of going to the supermarket to buy healthy foods and to check off the items on a shopping list. This is a great activity because the students love to pretend. I love that the activities in the box use the updated My Plate requirements for a healthy meal.
The Earth Environment Theme Box also has great hands on resources for students to practice sorting materials to decide if they are paper, plastic, aluminum, or glass. They love to look at and touch the natural resource objects and to look at the environment photos. I love that we were also able to receive four books that relate to these activities. While students are at the center exploring the environmental awareness activities, they also get to look at and reference the "Why Should I..." Environmental Science books. The books also make a very nice addition to our non-fiction library. These tools are helping my students understand the importance of taking care of our environment.
We would not have these great resources if it was not for your generosity. We truly appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. August
This classroom project was brought to life by Johnson Ohana Foundation and 7 other donors.