Past projects 2
Read Aloud Books for a Just and Equitable Future
Funded Mar 1, 2018I, and my students, are extremely grateful for the donations that made this project possible. Our new books have made a positive impact in our classroom! Not only have the kinder kiddos had a larger pool of books to read, but now they actually take time to select the book that interests them most. Fewer of my students are halfheartedly choosing any old book, flying through the pages, then hurriedly grabbing another. Why? Because they know that if they dig a little deeper they will find a story that will mirror their experience at home or at school. They are able to find characters that are like them, or they will find a book that describes another way of life that is interesting to them.
Part of my job as a teacher is to building a love for words in my students. That's a tall order because 99% of them don't know how to read. These books pull them in and lead them to want to read the words and learn the story. I see them pointing at the pictures and tracking the words on the page. What they say may not perfectly match what's written, but I can tell that they are invested in what they are doing. That's a gift.
Kindergartners really benefit from great stories with clear pictures to help explain challenging topics that would ordinarily be too abstract for them. Our new books have lead to some great talks about how we are different and how we are alike. They have also helped me answer some challenging questions about bias, bullying, disabilities, etc. in ways that they can understand.
We can't wait to explore more of the books we received in the project, and I know we have you to thank for that."”
With gratitude,
Mrs. K
Comfortable Learning Space Rug
Funded Sep 22, 2017This is just a small token of my appreciation and gratitude for the generous donations to my classroom. I am so thankful for all your support. The rug has been used for seating assignments, collaboration with partner reading, and a multitude of other things. It is also very inviting and makes the room look great for the students.
Without your help, my students would not have a comfortable space to sit on and also a space which is utilized all the time.
Without donors like you, thousands of classrooms around the United States would go without and students would not receive vital resources. I humbly thank you and hope you feel our gratitude!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. K