Past projects 7
Beginning Readers Need Books to Begin
Funded Aug 16, 2020Thank you so much for the reading materials. My students need lots of practice reading at their level.Many also have social and emotional needs. The materials you have purchased are allowing me to use the appropriate reading level and interest level to help my students improve their reading skills. These book sets include books that get increasingly more difficult, helping my students to progress from book to book, getting them closer to grade level.
Another set of the books are a collection of very interesting and creative books that focus on emotions, social skills, and appropriate examples of how to express the emotions. Each book has a collection of shorter stories that do a great job of explaining the different emotions, why people feel these emotions, and how do handle the emotions you are feeling.
The creating our own books and magazine kits will be used a little later in the year to showcase what we have learned. Students will give examples of how they have handled their emotions.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
Learning to Be Social, Appropriately
Funded Jan 16, 2019We are so happy for the funded project. You should have seen the faces when the items arrived. Smile after smile when they saw the cornhole game, the Trouble, Sorry, Ring Toss, Jengo, and especially the Shark Bite game. OMG, they love that game. We have been using these items during our social skills time. Students play games together, take turns, congratulate winners and console the ones who are defeated. Students learn how to handle the subtleties of friendly competition. We also love the slime and putty that we got. We use these as quick sensory breaks in the academic day. We can certainly see an improvement of the conversations and the comradery being formed by participating in these activities. Thank you so much for your contributions.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
Tactile Learning Tools For Our Sensory Room
Funded Jan 25, 2018When our packages arrived you could have sworn it was Christmas time all over again. Our tactile kits that you donated were received with ear to ear smiles. Each and everyday we spend time building with blocks, stacking towers,
tightening bolts, weaving string through the Swiss cheese, and so many other things.
My second graders can't get enough of the Osmo Pizza kit they was donated. It is quite useful. Students take orders and have to make the pizzas that the customers order. After they eat their pizzas, they customers pay for their dinner. My students have to make change for the price of the pizza.
We will continue to add to our collection of tactile kits for our sensory room. Along with the workout equipment, upper body equipment, energy release equipment, and calming activities, my kiddos are able to have several breaks where they can release the energy they need to in order to be able to focus on their schoolwork.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and one other donor.Sensory Friendly Exercise Equipment for Our ASD Classroom
Funded Dec 28, 2017We are loving the sensory friendly equipment in our sensory room. The kids are getting a workout on the battle ropes. They sit on a scooter and pull themselves across the room. We sit and either roll or toss the 10 pound medicine
ball to each other. Our yoga balls get a lot of use in workouts and in spare play time.
Our parachute is the favorite item donated. As an entire class, we spend time each day using the parachute. We take turns being a launcher or a crawler. The Launchers help launch the parachute up and down, while the crawlers get to crawl underneath.
In the future we will be making workout routines and keeping the data on how the calming of a workout helps control negative behaviors in the classroom. Once again we thank you donors from the Bottom of our hearts.
CHOW....Mr. B's Kids”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
This classroom project was brought to life by National Fitness Foundation and 5 other donors.Creating A 21st Century Classroom
Funded Oct 21, 2015My class is really utilizing your contribution of the collaborative chairs. They use them in many ways. My kids have schoolwork sent to their G-mail. Several students may team up and complete and assignment together. These chairs give them an awesome spot to work together on their computers to complete their group work.
Another way they use them is for partners to share a book with each other. When other work is completed they may co-read a book on the comfy chairs.
They really enjoy them, so the overall classroom behavior is better because they all want a chance to use the chairs.
Thank you all again for your gift.
Mr. Bianco and his 19 grateful students.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
Planet Disney Challenge: Saving Our Waters 1 Line at a Time
Funded Nov 9, 2011My students have been busy on our service project to help the Manatees One Line at a Time. The donations that you have provided have made an immediate impact in our class. My students have used the containers to house 2 types of fishing lines in different environments. They have stored these lines in: salt water, fresh water, tap water, sand, top soil, rocks, in the dark, and out in the light. We are now in the process of testing the tensile strength of each line using the sand, buckets, and the scale that you were kind enough to donate. My students have become excited to do science. It is not in a book or on a video, it is right in their hands. These materials that were donated will be washed out and reused over and over for different experiments. I can't thank you enough for your help in bringing science to life for my students. We are currently exploring more ways of educating our community on the benefits of biodegradable fishing line and the recycling of the monofilament lines. We plan to build our own recycling collection bin for the line that will go on our community pier. Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco
This classroom project was brought to life by Disney's Planet Challenge and 2 other donors.Reading to Learn: Literature Sets for my Readers.
Funded Dec 29, 2010Thank you so much for the generous contribution. My students love reading. Being able to have all 18 read the same book together opens up so many things that we can do in class. I have 3 different levels of readers in my room, so it was awesome that I could get books on 3 different reading levels. I am also thankful that I could get a non-fiction book set, as they tend to get overlooked as a viable way to teach reading. My students this year and in the years to come will spend hours of fun and learning because you made it possible with these literature sets. Please accept our collective thank you for this tremendous service you have given our room. ”
With gratitude,
Mr. Bianco