Past projects 13
Drills for Drama Thrills
Funded Nov 30, 2016Thank you so much for deciding to partner with my students. Your support of their education means so much to me. With these new drills we will be able to get so much done and my students experiences will be that much better. We are so excited to start working with the tools and build something amazing. I cannot wait to show you the pictures of what my students come up with. Thank you so much for you support.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
Drill Press for Robotic Fabrication
Funded May 6, 2016I wanted to take some time and say thank you for your generous donations to my classroom. My students are going to be so blessed by your gift to them. The addition on this drill press will ensure that the projects my students are working on will become bigger and better. Each year my students create amazing things that make me so proud of them. You have equipped them with a new tool that will increase their projects potential and expand their education.
I cannot express how much a drill press can do for the classroom. I am not exaggerating when I say that is it used at least 100 times a day. No matter what project students are working on the inevitably need to drill a hole for something. This week alone students are working on cam driven toys, Rube Goldberg machines, models of stages and theatrical design, and their own inventions. Each project is different but each one will be using this drill press.
This gift you have given to my class has made the greatest of difference to my students. I hope that I have been able to convey that and how much it has meant to me. I am so grateful that you would choose to partner with me and my students. You are impacting students each and every day.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
Constructing a STEM Lab One Drill at a Time
Funded Sep 7, 2016Dear Donors,
I cannot express how much your donations to and partnership with my class means. With your donations we were able to purchase the Kreg Pocket Hole Jig. A specialized tool that drill holes into projects to secure the project together. It eliminated the need for nails, glue, joints, or biscuits. This means that students who have not used power equipment before are able to make nicer projects and in a quicker time. By saving this time we are able to explore more areas and build more projects.
I have a group of freshman right now who just finished up their first project, a step stools. This projects was 100% created with the Kreg Pocket Hole Jig. Each students has completed this project and has created their best work. Thanks to you and your donations these students learned a new technique, became comfortable on power tools, and made a nice project to give to someone. You are equipping kids to their very best everyday. Thank you so much”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
Making a Maker Space - Foam Cutting with InfyMaker
Funded Apr 20, 2016I wanted to take some time and say thank you for your generous donations to my classroom. My students are going to be so blessed by your gift to them. These foam cutters have been a priceless edition to our prop shop. We are currently working on the fall musical, Les Mis. This show has lots of parts that are needed in order to make the show work. We are using a lot of foam to keep structures lights and to keep costs down. Having the foam cutters has allowed us to use foam in a way previously impossible. So far we have made crates, barrels, wood beams, and pillars from foam. I cant wait to see what else my students can make and see their creativity.
This gift you have given to my class has made the greatest of difference to my students. I hope that I have been able to convey that and how much it has meant to me. I am so grateful that you would choose to partner with me and my students. You are impacting students each and every day.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
3D Printing into the Future: A STEM project
Funded Mar 30, 2016I am so overwhelmed by this project and how you all supported my classroom. This by far was the largest project we tried to accomplish and you have made us all so happy by supporting it and funding it completely. You funded a MakeBot 5th Generation 3D Printer, which by far is the coolest piece of technology in the entire school. A 3D printer allows students to design anything they want on the computer and print it out in real life. Before we had this printer students would spend countless hours designing and drawing out amazing renderings only to have their work stuck in the computer, but not any longer.
Students have been designing and creating really amazing things. The first project we did was to design a costume boardgames. So each student designed dice, game pieces, and components to make the game work. From there students have been creating toys and tools for pre-school kids. My students are designing some really great pieces. Everything from a Star Wars AT-At to a large movable LegoMan. The only thing that is holding back my students now is their imagination and the best part is, you made that possible.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for my students. It truly means the world to us all and has created opportunities that had previously been impossible.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 15 other donors.Sanding Out The Prop Shop
Funded Mar 10, 2016Thank you so much for your partnership with my students. Your generous donations have provided us with a much needed tool. Our dream for my classroom is to construct a MakerSpace. A MakerSpace is a place where any student can come and build whatever they can dream of. This requires all the necessary tools to make whatever a student designs. The addition of this belt sander has helped immensely in working toward that goal. We have already used it on several projects and are looking forward to using it on several others.
A students put the belt sander right to work! One student was working on a foam sculpture and the other was constructing a reclaimed wood table top. Having the belt sander made their projects so much nicer and a lot easier. To sand down a huge project by hand or even with a palm sander would have take days but with this new belt sander they saved time and the finish came out much nicer.
My students and I are so grateful for your partnership with us and out goals. We are excited to see what is created and where our projects will take us.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 6 other donors.Nailing Together A Prop Shop
Funded Jan 14, 2016I want to express how much your donation has meant to me and my students. We just completed a new show on Saturday and it went great. Your donation of a air compressor and nail gun kit made our projects so much easier and the work a lot quicker. Before your partnership we used to do everything by hand, that meant thousands of nails put in one at a time. That is hours of work now recovered by the nail gun. With those recovered hours we were able to apply them to different parts of the set to make the most amazing set the school has seen.
Not only have you provided a tool that made our projects better, you have provided an opportunity for my students to learn about a new piece of equipment. As our prop shop grows and new equipments is added each students learns how to use it safely and how to maintain it so that the next group will have it. The addition of this air compressor brings on new safety and maintenance tasks. Each one adding to the education of my students and their understanding of how the world work.
Thank you so much for partnering with my students. It truly has made the difference in their education. I am so grateful and cannot wait to see what my students create.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
Sewing with STEAM a Theater Project
Funded Dec 10, 2015I wanted to take sometime and say THANK You for this amazing gift. You have provided my classroom with two brand new singer sewing machines. These machines have been put right to use on the production of our new show. There is a lot of sewing to be done with this new show and having these machines is making a huge difference. We have had some really great excitement about the new machines too. Several other teachers have volunteered to help now, because of these machines. They see the importance of teaching students well rounded skills.
Also the machines have even been used to help build a robot. The robotics teams participates every year in an international competition. This year the team needed to make a shield for their robot and wanted to cover it in fabric. The students used the machines to sew colored sleeves to cover the shield.
We are building some sewing tables and work stations in the back of the theater for the sewing machines. Our dream is that it will become a functioning costume shop that will produce everything needed for any of the shows. Your generous gifts have allowed us to move closer to that dream. You are providing an amazing education for my students.
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
This classroom project was brought to life by EMP Museum + Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and 8 other donors.Making the Space with - Infy Maker
Funded Jan 21, 2016I wanted to take sometime to say thank you for your generous gift to my classroom. I was overwhelmed that the whole project was funded in just two days. We received the router table and router this week and immediately put them to use. My students where so excited to assemble the table and put the router right to use.
Currently we are building end tables in my sophomore class. This new tool has added an additional step to the project that has made each end table distinctly better. The students have been thrilled to learn about a new tool and use it right away. The router and table have found a new home centered in the classroom and it looks great. I am excited to see what my students are able to come up with and how it changes the projects we work on.
We are so grateful for the gift and cannot express enough how much it means to us. Your partnership with my students education is not overlooked. It means the world to my students that people care about their education and what they are learning. We appreciate it so much.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer
This classroom project was brought to life by Infosys Foundation USA and 2 other donors.Miter Saw for the Theater
Funded Nov 30, 2015I wanted to take sometime and thank you from everything that you have done for my students. My classes are so excited to have this new tool. Particularly now that we just finished one of our major productions for the year. The students understand now that the projects are going to become so much better because of this new miter saw.
This miter saw has already become the central tool to create all the sets for the theatrical shows that are put on in the high school. To make the productivity of the work even better we used the miter saw to create its own table that has an extension bed and is on wheels. This allows the tool to have even greater flexibility for the projects that can be done on it. A student designed the table and had a few friends help her construct it. They enjoyed the idea that they had been working on a table by using the tool the table was intended for.
I cant express the thanks that I have for this new miter saw. It is more than a tool that you have given my students. Most schools no longer are able to teach students how to work with their hands, design, produce, and most importantly finish a project. With the cuts to the arts and particularly the "shop" courses students have lost great opportunities. You are bring those opportunities back for my students. We are working together to teach my students the impotence of tool competence, the design process, and how to follow through on a project. You truly are providing my students with the best education possible.
Thank you for everything!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Schriefer