iPad For Nutrition

Funded Jun 10, 2013

My students were absolutely thrilled to receive the IPAD, especially when I told them it was for them to learn about nutrition. We have utilized several apps on the IPAD and with each "round" of usage, the students are becoming more aware of the food they are putting in their bodies. I have even noticed they are making healthier choices at lunch. Right now, my students have become passionate and joined a school-wide petition to have apples sliced so those with braces or sensitive teeth will be able to eat them as part of their lunch. In another app students have to decide between which two plates and choose the healthiest. They are learning what to look for in a healthy plate.

Students are also looking at how much activity they have daily. Some students that usually choose to read or draw during recess are choosing to walk/play at recess for at least half the time. Many are bringing water to school because it is better than other sugary beverages. There is one app they are using which shows them how much exercise/activity they must do to burn off the calories of making an unhealthy choice.

Overall, having the IPAD in the classroom has become a wonderful instrument to improve students' ideas about the foods they are choosing. They understand the importance of having good food along with a treat once in awhile.

I am so pleased you chose our class to donate to and I appreciate you helping my students to make healthier choices. I look forward to utilizing many more apps to educate children in my classroom.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Newberry