Funded Apr 4, 2019When my students first saw that we had a new bin of SMART STIX, the look on their faces was amazing! They are so young so I wasn't sure if they would notice that the set we used to have had tripled, but boy was I wrong. They noticed, and they were so excited! Instead of having to use only 4 or so pieces each, they were able to have enough materials to build whatever their little minds desired!
These materials have given my students the chance to explore how to build and take apart. How to be creative. How to share. And more importantly, they have enjoyed all the moments or learning throughout. Moments of fun and excitement are so crucial to learning.
We are so thankful to those who contributed to this project. These materials will continue to provide rich learning experiences in my classroom year after year! We have some neighboring classrooms who have also borrowed these materials! Thank you again for reaching so many students with your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Steph