Funded Mar 1, 2019Our flexible seating has been quite the game changer in the classroom! When the boxes arrived to school, my kids were very curious but didn't quite understand until we opened them up! There was lots of excitement and celebration! Once we talked about the proper way to use them and care for them, we got right to it. The impact it had on the student's behavior and ability to focus was amazing. Our classroom is constantly moving and grooving with energy, and these provided an outlet for my kinders to let it out, while continuing to learn and work hard!
There was a parent that stopped by the classroom on a school tour from our principal and she noticed all of the flexible seating in the classroom and said she was so glad we had that in our school because she knows how important it is for students to be able to move and learn at the same time! It was amazing. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to receive a compliment from a stranger looking for the right place for her children. I am even more grateful to be given the love and support to make my classroom a better place. I have the best student, and they deserve the best space to learn, grow and be themselves! Thank you for making that happen!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Grove