Past projects 2
Give Me a Beat!
Funded Aug 31, 2016Thank you so much to all of the generous people who helped my students to acquire these hand drums for our classroom! Already we have been able to use them to keep the steady beat, and to practice our rhythm work. The students were so excited to see the new addition to our classroom, and they were just as excited to get their own chance to use them! So far they have been featured as the "instrument of the month" in kindergarten, with each student getting a chance to play and sing for the whole class. They enjoy learning about new instruments and getting the chance to play them for the entire class!
Our next step is to give the older kids a chance to play the hand drums too! I have a few projects lined up which will allow them to write their own music, and play the rhythms or steady beat on our new drums. The kids have been begging to play them and it's almost time for them! I explained to each class when they saw them for the first time that generous people like you were the reason our classroom instrumentarium now included some fantastic hand drums. I know they are grateful every time they play just by the looks on their faces.
Thank you again, from the bottom of all of our hearts for your donations and your commitment to keeping music in our schools. I love watching them light up when we learn new instruments, and hear them sing as they leave my room. I am so grateful to be the person that can bring them this joy. Thank you again, and keep singing!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Metal
All We Need Is Reeds! (Bring Band Instruments to Eager Kids)
Funded Nov 22, 2014When I opened the package from Donors Choose I was so excited to tell my students the reeds were here! The only thing better than opening it was seeing the looks on their faces when I told them they could each discard their old, broken reeds and take a new one from the box. When I told them where the reeds were from, they were very excited to give back in any way they could. I told them all I needed was pictures, and the posing began!
The students are finally able to play without fear of breaking a reed, since we have replacements for when they get old or chipped. We are learning how to care for our instruments (and reeds) and how to play our first notes which will one day make up band music to play for family and community members.
Letting the students know there are people outside of their area who care about keeping music in their lives was another great lesson I was able to teach my students. Music in schools helps in so many ways, like holding the students to a higher standard and encouraging them to keep trying even when it looks like they are making no progress. Now I have a very relevant story to remind them of when they get discouraged.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Metal