Past projects 24
Funded Dec 3, 2024The students were so excited today building with the straw kit. Collaboration is at the center of our STEAM work that we do. Today, kids that usually don't choose to play together in the room or on the playground came together and bonded over building a building structure. They compromised on the layout plan and shared the building tools beautifully. The structure was incredible and grew in height as they realized that the footprint of their original plan was far too large for the amount of straws that we have.
We are gonna have to get more for the amount of their creativity they have with this new tools.
In another STEAM station the kids were mesmerized by the Magna-Tiles set we now have. They are so creative and want to create other designs we don't yet have enough pieces for. They love the new learning tools.
Thank You All SO VERY MUCH.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 7 other donors.Rewards and Celebrations for Good Behavior
Funded Oct 18, 2024The students are performing better than ever and their trips to the reward ... the treasure box have been very positive. They are excited about the choices they now have and are really enjoying not only the fidget toys but the specialized planes and mini-games.
Rewards play such an important part in the educational world, both physical pieces and verbal praise. These treasures are reminders that they are making the right choices and striving for success in both the classroom and throughout the learning environment.
Thank You for your support in the educational world.
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
STEAMing Ahead in 4th and 5th Grade
Funded Sep 9, 2024The new STEAM materials are being extremely well used by my 4th and 5th graders.
It is amazing to see them overcoming an obstacle when building with the gear sets. The marble run which is quite large is an instant hit with the kids as well.
For me, the most exciting part is seeing them work together and overcoming disagreements during their builds. They are learning to collaborate and communicate on a respectful level that allows all types of learners to become involved in the builds.
Sharing is always an aspect to be practiced when a large group of kids are working together to complete a project together. They are learning to be more considerate and helpful to each other while we are sharing the same tools.
Thank You So Much for your Donation to our ongoing learning and growth.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
Care, Warmth, Food and Love
Funded Jan 25, 2024The snacks really helped us get through the colder winter months. Snacks have been scarce this year with the students so this allowed many kids who have a tough time getting through midmorning with filling that hungry monster. They were always very grateful that we not only had snacks but that they had choices as many were particular type of eaters. There was something for everyone. I also had received a few messages that were grateful the snacks were also available for the kids. This really helped as we have a bit of a later lunch.
Thank You for Supporting their needs.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
Making Math Fun Through Beading
Funded Dec 14, 2023The students are so excited about making their necklaces. The necklaces were used to practice their multiplication by counting by different numbers on each necklaces. They turned out very pretty and at this time my students are also practicing for a multiplication competition in their STEAM class. Today we had a mock practice and it got pretty intense. They realized how much they have actually grown as the competition went on. In the end, the two leaders loss to another student because they got an answer wrong and it ended quite unexpecedly. It was very fun. The necklaces have helped us with our journey with multiplication.
Thank You”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
Lap Desk Options for Flexible Work Space
Funded Sep 6, 2023the students are really loving the lapdesks and even moreso, the floor desks with legs. It allows them to move about the room and work elsewhere on their chrome books as well as when writing or working on their spelling. Some of my students always prefer to be on the floor instead of in a desk while working. This was a perfect solution for those choices.
They tend to fight over the two floor desks a bit but are learning that we share everything in the classroom.
Thank you for making this a reality.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 5 other donors.Supporting My Students Through SEL Social Emotional Learning
Funded Feb 7, 2023We have already begun using the SEL writing prompts to reflect upon. Students are stimulated by the discussion that ensues when a new prompt is given. They are learning how to LISTEN to each other instead of just doing the talking. They are learning how to respect each other better by listening to each other's ideas. They are excited about the new GAME of CONSEQUENCES. They already love games but this particular one reinforces good choices and shows the consequences of bad choices.
We really appreciate having the new tools to help us grow Socially and Emotionally.
Thank You for Your Support”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
Social Emotional Learning and Understanding in the Classroom
Funded Dec 31, 2022We have been using the books that you kindly donated to our classroom. We are using a new Social Emotional Program this year called Character Strong and these books are important tools to teaching kids about subjects such as Empathy, Kindness, Anger, Learning how to deal with frustrating or difficult situations.
We read in a multitude of ways in our classroom. We do online reading, using programs that are available to us as well as using the giant classroom library I have created for the students. Our learners range from a 2nd grade reading level to advanced reading in 6th and 7th grade books. They are very grateful for the many choices we have in our room in this regard.
This past week I have noticed students venturing over to our FEELINGS bucket now that it has been introduced again with the new books added. When they feel frustrated or upset, we use the books to undersand what may be happening.
Thank You So Much for Giving us tools that we need to understand ourselves.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
The Wonderful Wizard of OZ Reading
Funded Dec 19, 2022We are now beginning to read the Wizard of Oz and the students are excited. They are already learning so many NEW, Longer and Harder words but are excited about that. The students are excited to discuss the characters, setting, and main ideas. We are starting our character analysis' soon and this will be a big spurt of learning for them as well.
We are discussing the possibility of doing a Wizard of OZ play or puppet show where we would also make the costumes or puppets. The students would then act it out.
Thank you for supporting our learning in so many ways.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 4 other donors.Soft, Flexible Seating for 5th Graders
Funded Nov 29, 2022I am very grateful for your kindness in supplying my students flexible seating options. The thick cushions have made a huge difference for my 5th graders. The chairs we have are very old and very hard. The cushions keep the students working at their desks longer than they did before. They also travel around the room to sit anywhere they like now(they mostly choose the floor) and they take their cushions with them.
The cushions have made it more than bearable to sit on the hard floor now.
You have made a difference in the lives of my students by caring about their comfort and Social Emotional Well Being.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Gruenstein
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 2 other donors.