Funded Mar 17, 2023Thank you all so much for contributing to help our school purchase materials for a jewelry making enrichment activity! The students LOVED every second of it.
The moment they saw the supplies their faces lit up! And when I told them that they would be able to keep the jewelry that they made, they beamed! Students relaxed with their friends and teachers. We had time to have real conversations about their hopes and dreams while they worked on their beautiful jewelry! This activity helped us create a stronger bond among students and teachers and students with one another. Our community grew stronger. Students helped each other, gave each other compliments, and just enjoyed each other's company. Everyone either learned or perfected a creative skill, and many walked away with a new passion. Some students were excited to wear their own designs; while others were overjoyed at the chance to make a beautiful gift for a family member.
None of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Leip