Past projects 11
Little Engineers, BIG Learners!
Funded Dec 15, 2021It is with great pleasure that I am writing to let you know how much our friends in our class love the new materials! Students absolutely loved getting new manipulatives to play with in centers!
During the last couple of months, students have been able to create many different items using the bristle blocks and waffle blocks that we received. My all-time favorite creation that one of my students made was a helicopter using bristle blocks! Students were able to use their imaginations to create bulldozers, as well as homes for their toy insects.
Thank you again for all of your donations and support! You have truly opened my students' imaginations and creativity! The possibilities are endless thanks to you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 8 other donors.iNEED iPads!
Funded Dec 7, 2020The iPads we use in our classroom help students become familiar with the technology used in many different grades. They have access to different programs that expose them to both literacy and mathematical skills. In addition to those, they are also studying social skills and social science skills.
Students in my classroom can now have access twice a week to IGNITE, the computer program that assesses major developmental skills early childhood students need to be successful in kindergarten. The students love using this app because it offers a variety of playing options to assess skills and scaffold learning to each child's particular needs. Students get the opportunity to choose different learning games, as well as chances to buy clothing and fun accessories for their personalized avatars!
Because many of my students come from low economic families, they don't always have access to many different forms of technology. Those students are really getting a great opportunity to use technology and programs that they may not have access to at home. As a class, we are truly excited for donations from people like you. Without your help, we wouldn't be able to provide this access to our students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 5 other donors.Help Us Get on the "Write" Path to Learning!
Funded Dec 7, 2018I am loving the organization of my writing center! Oh how I wish there was a way to organize our entire classroom the way this new tabletop writing center has organize the writing station! I now have a class set of magic boards as well as a year's supply of lined writing paper.
My students now have a specific way to organize their materials in the writing center. They can easily access materials and put them away quickly. Students now have access to more materials than ever because they actually have a place to store them!
Students love the writing paper and magic boards and use them to practice their new writing skills. We are so grateful for donors like you who provide our students with new learning opportunities every day!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
Water Works for Us!
Funded Apr 16, 2018Thank you for the water table and supplies to go along with it! We had no idea how much fun (and messy) water can be!
Students were very excited from the moment we put together the water table, to the moment they actually were able to "suit up" and play! We had to make a waiting list and set a timer so that everyone could get a chance to splash around and explore the properties of the water! Patience was hard to maintain, but once everyone got a turn, they were ecstatic! Everyone learned (the hard way) how to keep the water inside the table and off of the floor. We had several days of wiping up water off of the mat, but this proved to be a great learning experience for everyone! We all learned how to work together and also how to clean up after ourselves!
I couldn't thank everyone enough for providing my students with this awesome opportunity! You have helped to enrich the minds of many children, and many more to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
Be the Cause for Our Learning Effect!
Funded May 9, 2018For the greater half of this school year, my students struggled to work on computers and iPads. Technology is awesome, but it can become very boring and distracting when you can't hear what you need to hear! Thanks to you all, students can now hear everything they need to hear, without all of the background noise! New headphones for my computers and iPads has made a world of difference!
Excitement rang through the classroom when students realized they were getting new center games! They were eager to try out the bug sorting game, especially since they were learning all about insects! Others were excited to play with the cookie jar counting game! They loved hearing when they correctly identified the cookies!
Magic boards will really come in handy for both whole group lessons, as well as small group meetings. Students will be able to copy letters and numbers and practice writing what they learned. This is a great assessment tool for me because I can immediately see who "gets it" and work with those who need a little more help!
Thank you for helping make my job more fun and essentially making it more easy for me to better help my students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 4 other donors.Engaged and in Charge!
Funded Jan 25, 2018Thank you for your generous donation to our classroom! Without donors like you, we would never be able to have such quality materials and rich learning experiences for our students to enjoy!
From the moment the boxes arrived, to this very day, our students have been actively engaged in learning! They have truly been excited to go into centers and use the new materials. In the beginning, we had to make a chart to allow everyone a chance to use the new materials because no one wanted to be without them!
The students' favorite materials to use daily are the easels in art and the kinetic sand in our discovery center! You have made their imaginations come to life just by donating to our classroom! Thank you for believing so strongly in public education and supporting us every day!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and one other donor.Pre-K Is Hot!
Funded Apr 20, 2017My students absolutely love these new Hot Dots, Jr sets! They love that they can work independently on different skills! Students are able to focus on the skills that they need the most work on, all while having fun!
The self correcting pens really help students feel independent even when they are struggling with a skill. Beginning readers are loving the Pete the Cat Hot Dots! They are able read the higher level cards on their own!
Thank you for helping us acquire our new Hot Dots, Jr sets! We can't wait to continue working on the alphabet, numbers and counting, beginning phonics skills, beginning math skills, patterns and sequencing, and the many other skills these new resources will help us with!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
Center, Center, Center Time!
Funded Mar 11, 2017Students are learning all about math! They are loving the new materials donated by you, our generous friends! Without your kind hearts, we would not be able to expand their thinking and creativity in learning!
My students absolutely love the new ten-frame counting games that we were able to put in centers! They love using the magnetic ten-frame on our magnet board! My students also love using the ten-frame treasures game in math center! They compare their ten-frames to see who has the most and who has the least.
These games develop skills that are an integral part of student success! Thank you for contributing to our young learners' minds! You all hold a special place in our hearts!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
Help FUEL Our Love of Math and Literacy!
Funded Oct 6, 2015My students' love of math and reading has flourished since receiving our new materials! They absolutely loved coming into the classroom in the morning and seeing a brand new library! New center games have made learning much more fun as well!
My students' sorting, counting, and vocabulary skills have improved. Letter naming and writing has improved as well.They enjoy learning with new materials and look forward to coming to class every day.
My sincerest gratitude goes out to you for your generous donations! We look forward to working with you on future projects to make our classroom the best learning environment possible! Thank you for supporting the future of education!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard
Hands-On, Minds On!
Funded Dec 30, 2014Thank you, YAY, and WOOHOO, can be heard in my room right now! My students are so excited to receive these new manipulatives for their centers! They can not wait to use them! In fact, as soon as we opened the box, they were begging to play with everything!
We plan to use the resources you have graciously provided us with every day. We are working on learning how to sort, identify and write numerals, identify and write letters, graph, and sequence letters and numbers. The resources you have donated will help my students to achieve the goals set in pre-k. They will be able to use the center manipulatives to practice counting on, work on learning positional words, and writing numerals, as well.
Thank you again for your generous donation to our classroom! People like you make my job so much more fulfilling! I am very blessed with donors such as yourself who help me to remember that my job is the foundation for all other jobs in the world. You have truly helped me to help my students be the very best they can be! That is a gift in itself!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Broussard