Build it up and Tear it Down!

Funded Feb 28, 2019

I can't thank you enough for the love and generosity you have shown my littles! Their faces when they saw the boxes was priceless! We played a very fun game of "guess what's in the boxes", and it made me so giddy to hear their imaginations run wild!

Since having these STEAM materials in class, my students have loved building for fun, creating sustainable "houses" for their 3 little pigs fairy tale units, and I have loved seeing how far their imagination takes them! Indoor recess was no longer a time for coloring to them; these blocks and materials were by far the most sought after option, and I often heard groans of displeasure when recess would end!

I cannot thank you enough for showing love and kindness to a group of students who so often go without. I pray a seed of creativity, ingenuity, and confidence was planted in even just one of their minds.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Armstrong