Past projects 5
Wellness Trackers
Funded Jul 20, 2021Thank you so very much for supporting my classroom. We were able to get three fitness trackers, however, due to supply shortages we were unable to get all ten. Instead, we bought sports balls, indoor games (like corn hole) and a pedometer.
Students have been using the various pieces of equipment everyday. The fitness trackers have worked perfect for students whom have to quarantine. It allows activity at home to count as classwork. Those students that are in the classroom day to day have enjoyed using the indoor games on rainy days.
We appreciate your support in this year that has demanded an extraordinary amount of flexibility. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harrison
This classroom project was brought to life by Emerson Collective.The Bones That Shape Us!
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you very much for your donation! When the model first arrived students were excited to see a full human skeleton. The table top model has allowed us to place the model in the center of the desk cluster and continue our lesson with an exact replica. Students are able to move the bones and see joints in actions. The painted muscle attachment graph allows students to see how bones move in conjunction with muscle placement. The model has also allowed us to see how the bones fit together to support movement of the human form. Truly we thank you for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harrison
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple and 3 other donors.Creative Building Block Magic for a Variety of Classes
Funded Apr 16, 2017Thank you so very much for your donation. It is only with your contribution am I able to provide my students the tools they need. The students were excited and surprised at the quality of the Lego's and the attention to detail provided in the educator sets. One student remarked that while the Lego's are traditionally a toy they can also be used as a "fidget" tool and greatly help them focus during class.
Another student is excited to use the Lego's in various classes and for a variety of projects. The students are hopeful the Lego's will give them the ability to visual designs by building Lego size models first and through the use of Lego's during their student choice time they will expand their creativity.
Best of all the students are excited to have such a fun tool available and now think I am the coolest teacher ever!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harrison
This classroom project was brought to life by Two Anonymous Donors and 4 other donors.The Sound of Music
Funded Jun 14, 2016When I first began the lessons I thought to myself "oh no what have I gotten myself into?" I have a particularly rambunctious group who were not shy about sharing their initial thoughts of playing an instrument. I heard a lot of "why don't we have guitars?" and "I'm not playing that!" After about three weeks of trying to teach how to tune the instruments, play just a couple of simple cords and begin to strum an easy song I thought it might be time to give the students another option for class as behaviors seemed to be escalating. Thinking it was time to give up on my dream of the class playing songs together I offered the option of creating a history project on music. I was quite startled when the students cried loudly that they wanted to play the instruments and didn't want to do project work. This was the transition point. I realized that the negativity was just part of being a teenager and facing a potential struggle but because I persevered they did too. We're finishing the quarter by building a play book of songs we like and build on it weekly. Each class we gather in a circle with our instruments and play through our collection. I've even learned one of my students has a great singing voice!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harrison
Opening the Microscopic World
Funded Dec 15, 2015Thank you so much for your donation. Your donation has truly opened the microscopic world for my students. Previously, when students would need to look at specimens, the images were fuzzy, cloudy and hard to see. Often most of the class time was spent trying to get the clearest image possible so as to allow students to record details in their journals. This of course was as a result of our out-of date equipment. Now, thanks to you, my students are able to see images clearly. The new microscopes provide clear, crisp images that allow students to record details with minute accuracy. Students now spend half of the class calling each other over to view the various images and share their findings. The excitement on lab days is tangible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Harrison