Past projects 8
2nd Graders Need Basic School Supplies to Work, Learn & Play
Funded Aug 31, 2011Thank you so much for the post it's, pens and seat cushions. The students have researched non fiction findings on their new post it's and used their post it's in the fiction books as well. Without any pens or pencils in our class, it was very challenging having the students write. Thanks to you all, we now have an abundant amount of pens to use everyday.
We cannot express how much the seat cushions have helped our students, so many of our kids have body tone which is low and the seat cushions help them out immensely. Thank you again for how generous and thoughtful you are. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
2nd Grade CTT Special Needs Class Needs Seating Supports!
Funded Feb 22, 2011Thank you so much for the seating supports. You have impacted the lives of the students in our class who struggle with low tone and sitting in a regular chair. These seating supports have improved the students learning because they can focus while they are working, due to being comfortable in the classroom.
It is challenging to meet the needs of every learner when we cannot afford to have what every child needs. Through Donors Choose, it is possible to meet the needs of all our students through donations into the classroom for what every child needs.
Thank you again, we appreciate it more than you know!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
NYC 2nd Grade Students Need Non- Fiction Books
Funded Feb 1, 2011Thank you so much for the amazing books. The students were elated when the saw the box from Donors Choose as they were anticipating opening up the box to a plethora of non - fiction books. We are studying animals now and sharing books on snakes, gorillas and penguins was challenging for the students. Now every student in the classroom has their own collection of animal books in their book baggies.
They students learning has been enriched because of these books. My co teacher and I truly appreciate you providing your own funds for the enrichment of New York City students. Thank you again, the students are thrilled and we could not have done it without you! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
2nd Graders Preparing For College Need Mentor Texts
Funded Oct 18, 2010Thank you so much for the Chris Van Allsburg books! The kids just finished writing their own books and they sounds just like Chris Van Allsburg. The kids used his craft moves in their writing such as putting in bold words and come back lines, they even added dialog in their books. Without these books their writing would not have cam as far as it did. These books introduced vocabulary and made their writing authentic.
Our classroom is filled with books like Probuditi, Jumangi and Polar Express. After we read the Polar Express we watched the movie and it was the 1st time that the kids used reading skills such as inferencing to appreciate text over a video. That goes to show how powerful the reading is.
Thank you again for the generous donations and filling up our classroom with the most wonderful books in the world! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
This classroom project was brought to life by Townsend Press and 7 other donors.2nd Grade Scholars Need Markers & Paper in the Classroom
Funded Oct 9, 2010Thank you so much for all the amazing art supplies. When the 2nd graders opened up the boxes to find brand new markers, colored pencils and paper they were elated with big smiles on their faces. They immediately took out their writing and began to illustrate drawing to their writing!
They will never forget how generous you were to help our class bring art and color into the classroom. These materials truly changed the learning in the classroom and now they feel proud of their work because they can add color into everything! Thank you SO MUCH! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
Second Graders Need Books for our Character Study Unit!!
Funded Feb 11, 2010Thank you so much for the Poppleton books! When the package arrived the students faces were priceless! They were beyond elated to learn that Poppleton books can be hard and soft covered and are written in English and Spanish. Because of your generosity can now do guided reading that is on their levels and can be fun and exciting. The library went from a quiet place to a busy area in our classroom. Poppleton is such a funny character and now the children can enjoy the unit of the character study. We really appreciate all of your support and help in bringing books to life in our second grade class. Thanks again! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
This classroom project was brought to life by Give & Learn and 3 other donors.Class 302
Funded Dec 4, 2009Thank you so much for the amazing art supplies. When we do art in class, we usually have a few markers and crayons to create with. Due to budget cuts, this year we were unable to receive any materials for writing and drawing. We managed, but felt glum about the lack of color in the classroom. When the students opened up the package of markers, paint and glitter, they were overwhelmed with joy and excitement. We heard the children shouting out things such as "I am elated, oh my goodness!" We immediately began to use the art supplies and begin our writing and drawing for our quilt project. The students were so excited and had over an hour of stamina in writers workshop. We will use these materials everyday and they will not only bring color into our classroom but they will help these children with their imaginations and love of learning. Donors choose is truly a dream come true. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
Help Bring Music and Exercise Into Our 2nd Grade Classroom
Funded Dec 17, 2009Thank you so much! I work at an amazing school but unfortunately we do not have a physical education class. This hinders on our students gross motor development because they do not have an opportunity to jump around. My co-teacher and I took a workshop in SPARK which trains teachers how to do physical movement in a classroom. Since we did not have a CD player, we were unable to play music and get the children motivated to do activities such as dancing, jumping jacks, crab crawls etc. When we received the CD player, we immediately began to play music. Every single child in our class was fully engaged and excited. There were very tired after we exercised and asked if we would do it again tomorrow. Of course we responded - "everyday", and that is because of donors choose. Thank you, from all of us! ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zacharia
This classroom project was brought to life by Perry & Donna Golkin Family Foundation and 5 other donors.