Past projects 2
History Makers & World Changers
Funded Sep 12, 2018Thank you so much for supporting our digital online subscription to Time Edge magazine for 6th graders. This website provides students with access to a variety of subjects such as History, Environment, Money, U.S, Entertainment and more. These informational texts are engaging and activities can be aligned to state reading learning targets.
All three classes of sixth graders have their own subscription. The website provides tools for me to access things like printable graphic organizers that can be modified for online articles on the Time Edge website. Another powerful tool is the Time Magazine Vault that allows subscribers to locate articles from as far back as 1923. This is an excellent opportunity for students to compare and contrast more than one text.
Although I am using this as part of my Social Studies and Science classes, the skills that students are using support the learning objectives in the 6th grade English Language Arts classroom as well. For example today in class a few students had difficulty with the Time Edge organizer titled, "Understanding Different Points of View." This allows me to share that information with my colleague so that we both can spend more time on things like argumentative essays. Students have to be able to support their opinions while acknowledging counter arguments.
On behalf of the 6th graders and their families at Berwick Middle School I would like to thank you for supporting our learners and fostering a love for reading.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mayo
Steaming Ahead With an Engaging Science Classroom Library!
Funded Sep 2, 2018My name is Mrs. Mayo and I teach Sixth grade Science and Social Studies. This is the first time I have taught these subject areas exclusively so my resources in some ways are limited. I have one of the largest classrooms in the building, and arguably the only "true" science lab with large black sturdy tables, flexible seating, access to science equipment, and preserved specimens. However, as a former ELA teacher, I knew that my lab would not be complete without having a library of science books for students to have access to in my classroom.
I cannot tell you how excited I was when this project, my first ever through donorschoose, was
funded. Although independent reading is something my students are well versed in, they tend to gravitate towards fiction when given the option. In taking on this task I knew that the STEAM books selected had to lean heavily on nonfiction, be colorful, engaging, high interest and developmentally appropriate. We hit the mark!
The other day I placed five random books on each table for students to read. At the end of class one of the boys in my class asked me if he could borrow the book on biodiversity because he wanted to finish reading the book. That same week another student wanted to read the book about the inventor of the super soaker that is also part of this collection. One of the girls showed me one of the books in our collection and wanted to know more about coding. You will never know the lasting impact of your generosity but I hope this gives you some idea of the long term implications. On behalf of of my sixth grade class- Thank you for supporting my students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mayo
This classroom project was brought to life by Craig Newmark Philanthropies and 5 other donors.