Funded May 5, 2020Thank you so much for supporting our students during distance learning! I am fortunate to be teaching the same group of students who are now in sixth grade!
The white board was essential for demonstrating Math concepts and recording students' input and thinking while working through mathematics problems. In addition, because the board is magnetic, it was (and is) the ideal place for displaying the base ten blocks when working on place value. The Post-It chart paper and markers were used to make anchor charts which were displayed on the whiteboard. The sentence strips were used for key vocabulary terms and for posting objectives and standards. We used (and will use again) the rock samples, Earth model, magnifying glass, and posters, when we begin our 6th grade Science unit on Earth processes.
Your help was invaluable during distance learning and continues today as we can still use some of the educational resources that you generously provided for us in the past. The materials from this project will enrich the learning experience of our amazing scholars!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cheney