Past projects 13
Students Deserve the Best Lessons
Funded Nov 30, 2022This project has helped us tremendously with student achievement. The lessons I have been able to download have saved me countless hours of prep time. The students maintain their attention to task with the new activities.
Students are focused and excited to do different things. They love to see what is new and even ask for certain things from the magic school store. They love to ask if we have any magic school store activities.
The new product is most exciting to students because we can access it multiple ways including printed products and activities. We greatly appreciate the kindness shown through generous donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 8 other donors.Making the Old New Again
Funded Mar 25, 2022I’m blown away by the kindness and generosity that you have provided my students and our staff. This little school is filled with big hearts with a desire to be the best they can be. I am absolutely beyond excited to tell our students that we were able to get our project funded. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by Suddenlink and 5 other donors.Outdoor Classroom with Indoor Fixer Upper
Funded Apr 28, 2021Our students went crazy when the tables arrived. They were so excited to see matching tables. Once they realized the writingtop was smooth, they were ecstatic!
They were absolutely amazed when we took the plastic tables outside. They thoroughly enjoyed working outside. They were very interested in the outside world. They even found a four leaf clover or two. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful we are. Older students are excited for the outdoor tables as well. Many have asked me if their classes can use them too.
I truly am thankfully for the opportunities that Donors provide our kids.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by Suddenlink.Firing up TECHNOLOGY in Kindergarten
Funded Nov 2, 2019I want to first say thank you for all of your kindness and especially your donation to fund my project. Our kiddos were beyond excited to receive our package yesterday. We have them set up and the kids have already had them in their hands three times today.
We utilize our tablets to post to a program called Seesaw. Seesaw is a program that works as a journal and an online hub of student/teacher/family communication. The kids can take pictures of the activities we do in class and post them to their journal. This make a great conversation starter for parents as they are able to have an idea of what is going on in our room daily.
We also use tablets to complete online testing and practice programs. We can access various games and learning sites. We can read online books and watch books on video.
Our kids were blown away by all of the tablets. We numbered each tablet and the kids are going to use the same tablet all year. This will help minimize the chaos of logging kids in to a different tablet every single time.
It takes a village to nurture, protect, guide, and raise these children. I am so thankful that you chose to be a part of my village and have blessed me with the opportunity to give more to my students! Thank you so much and please know that your generosity will always be valued.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous donor and 8 other donors.3D Targets for Better Accuracy
Funded Aug 23, 2017I want to personally thank you for your kind donations. I want to apologize for not replying sooner. We actually just started archery again which allowed me to take the pictures. We set them up today and the kids were really loving the opportunity to shoot at something new. They were really focusing and making an effort to hit their mark.
The archers were so excited to see the targets that they were hard to control. They stopped focusing on the old targets and started anxiously discussing the new targets. They were beyond excited to put the animals on their stands as the stands help keep everything standing once hit with and arrow.
Last year our little school managed to be the WV NASP State Champions and hopefully they are on their way again this year. I believe that their ability to shoot at various targets will only improve their aim and teach them to "aim small, miss small"!
Thank you again for your kindness and compassion for our project. My heart is full and the kids are dreaming big now. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 3 other donors.3D Targets to Sharpen Skills
Funded May 1, 2017I would like to take the time to thank each and everyone of you for your kindness and ESPECIALLY your generosity. Our students truly enjoyed receiving the items. They used the items to sharpen their aim so that they could exceed even their own expectations. They competed at the 2017 NASP National Tournament and placed 36th in the nation.
Upon receiving the boar and deer, the students were all overwhelmed l. They had tears in their eyes. They were so excited that they couldn't wait to get shooting. They also couldn't decide who got to shoot first so they let the coaches shoot. We all had a blast. The parents even came in to try it out. Unfortunately, I had a phone malfunction and many of my pictures are gone. I do apologize that I couldn't provide the photos of the kids shooting.
We are getting ready to start archery again and the kids have all started begging to shoot the 3D targets. We managed to place first in the state this year and so our kids are determined to do it again. They have fuel for their fire and were so pleased to receive special recognition from our Mayor and our city. Thank you for all of your generosity and thank you for providing the materials we needed to become the best in our state.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 3 other donors.State Tournament 2 Years Straight
Funded Mar 29, 2016This has been an amazing experience. Our students planted seeds in starter containers and then transplanted the plants from the greenhouse to the raised bed. They watered and weeded the garden each week. A child who struggled with behavior actually focused and worked toward garden time.
My students were not at school the day the items arrived. The custodian and I quickly put the greenhouse together. I didn't tell my students that we received the greenhouse. We went outside to play and walked past it. One child screamed "Oh my gosh, we got our greenhouse!" Everyone quickly shuffled inside.
We are getting ready to plant fall/winter crops in our greenhouse and garden. We want to experiment to see how long we can grow our crops in our greenhouse before it gets too cold. We are anxious to harvest fall/winter crops before Christmas.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 3 other donors.Our Food, Our Work, Our Future
Funded Mar 20, 2016My students and I were very excited to receive our greenhouse and growing supplies. Our school is very fortunate to have amazing staff members who support us so I was able to get the greenhouse assembled right away. Upon completing the greenhouse assembly, my students were able to jump right in and begin the growing process. They planted many vegetables and were very excited to see the seeds turn into plants.
The students were so excited that they could barely contain themselves. They couldn't wait to get started and were anxious to get dirty. The following questions were just a few of the questions that were flying out of their young minds: "Mrs. Ord, can we plant cucumbers?" "I love tomatoes, can we plant them?" "My mom makes salsa. Can we?" "Our we going to eat our veggies at lunch?" They were full of questions and very anxious to learn.
We discussed how plants grew, what they needed, their parts, different types of plants, which part of various plants are edible and which are not, as well as our different food groups. We discussed the possibilities of growing fruit and what types would be successfully planted in our garden. We also spent a great deal of time talking about the best growing conditions and how long it takes for plants to reach maturity. We also spent a great deal of time researching why a greenhouse works and how it helps the plants thrive. We talked extensively about the best times to plant various plants and the best times to transplant started plants.
All in all, the program was an extreme success and we can not wait to reap the benefits of our labor. (We already have carrots that are about half mature, potato plants that are taking off, and radishes that are ready to harvest.) We are hoping to have several things planted at the end of the year that will be ready to harvest when we come back in August. We are going to attempt to plant in the fall as well. My goal is to teach the students how to work together to pick, clean, and prepare their foods. I know that they will have a wonderful time learning these things and I know that they have already taken what they are learning home. Several families have shared with me that they have been begged for a garden and their child's favorite vegetables. One family now owns the same greenhouse.
Thank you for helping me begin my dream of teaching kids how to grow their own food. I want nothing more than to know that our future will continue because our students know how to survive and grow what they need. Thank you so much for all of your help and especially your kindness and generosity. Your generous donation gave me the opportunity to teach something more important than even textbooks... Your generous donation gave me the opportunity to teach life skills that can be applied for generations. Thank you so much and I hope that you are blessed beyond measure. I sure have been.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 6 other donors.Better Technology For Better Scores
Funded Feb 18, 2015I want to take this time to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and donations. My class has been super excited to receive the new ipad mini. It fits their hands so much better and they are able to take pictures of their work and friends. They are also able to use it for numerous activities both group and individually. During Dr. Seuss week, my students took pictures of most of the staff of our school, printed the pictures, cut them apart, mixed them up, and then created our own "If I Ran the Lakeside Zoo..." poster with all the teachers having mixed up bodies. It was a huge success.
I am so pleased with their excitement to complete educational activities as well as being proud of their work, photographing it, and printing to share with their families. They have also enjoyed searching for new apps that they can utilize. They have learned to download needed apps and place passwords into the system. They have learned to video special activities. They are currently taking pictures with the ipad of flowers that we planted so that they can make a real life timeline of plant growth.
Their successes are overwhelming and I can't wait to see all the new things they do with the ipads. Thank you again for your donations and your abundant generosity. My classroom and I thank you with the deepest sincerity possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord
Scissors and Glue -- We Need New!
Funded Feb 1, 2009I want to thank you Soo very much for your kind donation. Without you, many activities would not have been possible. Your kindness and compassion has allowed me to continue to go above and beyond simple paper and pencil activities while at the same time providing hands on activities. My students have truly enjoyed receiving the new scissors and glue. We are able to use them every day. My students have been truly touched by two very generous souls. I had forgotten how much faster projects can be completed when everyone has the needed supplies.
I appreciate your donation more than you will ever know. The slowing economy has truly played a huge roll in my classroom with my students and their families. You helped lessen the burden that these families are struggling with. It is amazing how much we take for granted on a daily basis. Something as simple as scissors and glue is hard to provide sometimes.
Your dedication to make this world a more special place is absolutely the greatest gift of all. Thank you so much for taking the time to donate to such a wonderful bunch of kids. Even though they are not truly mine, I love them all like they are. Thank you for helping me give them the best that I can.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ord