Past projects 31
Magical Muggle Whiteboards for Essay Writing
Funded Dec 16, 2022I want to thank you for giving my students the tools for success with essay writing. When the boxes were delivered to my room, my students were surprised that people who didn't know them would donate to get them things to use in class.
They get a board out of the storage box and use the expo markers and erasers to help them write their essays. We recently read The Odyssey and have watched the movie. Students were then able to start with small parts, like writing a main idea and then were able to add words to make a thesis. They now can write a 5 paragraph essay on the boards utilizing the front and the back to compare and contrast the book to the movie without fear or anxiety of the process!
They now ask for the boards for even smaller writing assignments, take a picture of it after it's written on their board, to then later hand write it at home on paper to turn in. They say that it's easier to write on the boards because they don't have to start over, they can just wipe away a word or phrase and fix it quickly and move on. My students' determination and confidence in writing has skyrocketed and it's all thanks to you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Moore Public Schools Foundation and 4 other donors.I Still Don't Get It. Can You Show Me? Part 2
Funded Oct 4, 2014Thank you so much for helping us with these items! The students have been using the stool for extended presentations when in front of the class. This is a step to promote public speaking and to help reduce their anxiety and fears. They have also use the step stool in class for safety and to have access to the items they need throughout the day. The cart, cord, and pull down screen has helped us to be able to view clips and interviews for World War II, the Holocaust, Vietnam, and the Cold War. This has opened their eyes and increased their knowledge of history and how to works with our novels. With the visual aids, they learned more about their books, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Diary of Anne Frank Play, The Outsiders, and The Giver. I don't think they would have had such a complete understanding without your help. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
I Still Don't Get It. Can You Show Me?
Funded Sep 18, 2014Thank you so much for helping us with these items! The students have been using the stool for extended presentations when in front of the class. This is a step to promote public speaking and to help reduce their anxiety and fears. They have also use the step stool in class for safety and to have access to the items they need throughout the day. The cart, cord, and pull down screen has helped us to be able to view clips and interviews for World War II, the Holocaust, Vietnam, and the Cold War. This has opened their eyes and increased their knowledge of history and how to works with our novels. With the visual aids, they learned more about their books, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Diary of Anne Frank Play, The Outsiders, and The Giver. I don't think they would have had such a complete understanding without your help. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by The Leo and Libby Nevas Family Foundation and 5 other donors.Compute This!
Funded May 22, 2014Thank you all so much for the laptop computers. We have started using Google Classroom, so students use them for all assignments daily! We have read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and researched World War Two, the politics involved, the history of the time period, our part in the war, the music and art involved - the kids LOVED it! I can't wait to have them research the Vietnam era with our next book, The Outsiders. After the storms a year ago last May, things have slowly started to get back to normal. It's nice to see them smiling as they come to school each day. It's also nice to know that they all have a place to go home to now. We really appreciate all of your help in making their education the top most importance for them.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
Organize the Classroom
Funded May 5, 2014Thank you all very much for the supplies needed for student success in the classroom. We have been working in our groups and doing rotations since the first week of school. The amount of student participation and attention has increased dramatically. When there is a day that I say that we can't do centers, they actually fuss! These tools have helped them stay organized through each change in station, not lose papers, and has created a very strong active learning environment. I couldn't have done this without your help!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and one other donor.The Witch of BlackBird Pond
Funded Apr 17, 2014Thank you all very much for our class set of The Witch of Blackbird Pond Books and the Audio to go with it. The students really loved this book. It wasn't Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings, but it was real. We learned about the time period, the culture, the religions involved, and our own American history. Students found this book, and it's ideas about a utopian society, very intriguing. After reading the book, students were able to discuss tolerance, acceptance, and what freedom really is. This book has brought up many discussions on how a government should best help its people. We then discussed this bringing up our previous books we have read this year dealing with World War Two, Vietnam, and the Cold War, as well as current events. This project has helped them open their eyes to the world around them and what may help or hurt a society. Best of all it showed them that we should not repeat our same mistakes. Thank you all very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and 13 other donors.People, Places, and Things - Oh My! Nonfiction Made COOL!
Funded Feb 13, 2014Thank you so much for purchasing these books for us! My students have enjoyed learning about art, math, science, and history! Some of their favorites are Vincent Van Gogh: Portrait of an Artist with color photos, Extreme Sports National Geographic: Ski!, The Great Fire by Jim Murphy, Art Around the World: In the Time of Warhol with color photos, and Disasters Up Close: Air Disasters. This project has opened up a door that is very hard for a teacher to open. With these books, students have been able to find nonfiction that they are actually interested in and choose on their own to read during our daily reading time. Some even check them out and take them home. It has helped them to figure out their interests and engage them in academic learning that is helping their reading and comprehension ability as well as academically in their other classes. Thank you so much for helping me get their brains turned on to new opportunities!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and 21 other donors.How Can I Change the World?!
Funded Mar 31, 2014Thank you all so much for helping us purchase these books. Right now I have a waiting list for who will be the next person to check out these titles. As soon as one is turned back in, it goes right to the next person. Some of their favorites have been the Among the Hidden series, The Witch & Wizard series, and the Maximum Ride series. All of these books talk about standing up for what is right and that the right thing is hardly ever the easiest. These are the kinds of lessons they need to learn about and understand that they are not just in fairy tales, but are real attributes that they can show here and now in our classroom, our school, and our community. Many have said that it makes them feel good that others think this way, that they are not alone, and that it is OK to be the one to step in and do what's right. Sometimes it doesn't matter how many times the parents or even the teacher try to explain something, sometimes they need to read about it and see it for themselves! Thank you so much for your help!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and 6 other donors.To Read or Not To Read...That is the Question
Funded Jan 23, 2014Thank you all very much for helping my students with this project! This was their first experience with Shakespeare and it was a complete success. This particular book has the original Shakespearean text on one side and a modern translation on the other. We started by reading the Shakespearean text and then going to the modern translation for the first full Act. Then they started just reading the original text all on their own. They started to figure out the language, the jokes, and the social issues involved for The Taming of the Shrew. After examining Shakespeare's time period, we compared it to the Women's Rights Movement as well as reviewed major accomplishments made by women for the past 500 years. You have made it possible for these students to gain exposure into a type of writing style unique only to Shakespeare. Without your help, they would not be asking me about the next play we are goingt to read. Thank you so much for helping us!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and 8 other donors.My Utopia?!
Funded Mar 26, 2014Thank you so much for purchasing these books for us! We studied all types of governments and which countries have them today, as well as our own government. We used the Two Cows theory to explain many types of governments and how it works with the people. Students found this book, and it's ideas about utopia, very intriguing. After reading the book, students were able to create their own classroom Utopian rules that we put into effect for the rest of our school year. This book has brought up many discussions on how a government should best help its people. We then discussed this bringing up our previous books we have read this year dealing with World War Two, Vietnam, and the Cold War, as well as current events. This project has helped them open their eyes to the world around them and what may help or hurt a society. A few have said that they want to get involved with our own Student Council next year, and some say that they may look into our community politics as well. I see big things in their future. Thank you all so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Morris
This classroom project was brought to life by Burlington Stores and 2 other donors.